… To the shores of Somalia

Has the time come for a change in the Marine Corps Hymn? Piracy on the high seas has always been a problem. But, in recent history it was more like a gnat on a cows butt. Just not that big of a problem.

Enter those capitalistic souls in the beleaguered nation state called Somalia. Reputedly having ties to various terrorist organizations, as well as those that are just looking to make a few dollars the Somali pirates are morphing into international prominence.

Has the time come to send in the Marines? With some pretty lax, by normal standards, rules of engagement? Heck, Barack Obama could establish a legacy right off the bat that would put him squarely in the same sort of caliber as Thomas Jefferson. Not to mention save the economy of several nations. I certainly do not see George Bush as having the stones, to use a Brit phrase, to get this much needed task accomplished.

In the mean time piracy on the high seas has become a lucrative profession. Read about this up and coming lucrative profession here.

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One Response to “… To the shores of Somalia”

  1. TexasFred Says:

    I am NOT known for my political correctness or diplomatic skills. I never have been, and quite likely, I never will be, but I think there is a viable solution to this pirate problem, and Somalia in general.

    It’s a loaded oil tanker. Oil is a flammable substance, it burns. Blow that tanker, it’s cargo and the pirates out of the water, a couple of ‘Hell Fire’ missiles should do quite nicely. The Saudis have lots more oil and can quite easily afford the financial *hit* of this loss and the pirates would think twice before taking another ship hostage by committing acts of piracy on the high seas.

    Yes, it would pollute the Somali fishing waters. Too bad. Yes, it would cause the Somalis to breathe poor quality air for a while. Sad I suppose, if you’re a Somali, but there have to be consequences, and these people have got to be made fully aware of them.

    These pirates and warlords killed American troops, they made the USA look like idiots. A primitive nation, with NO government and they are now making other nations look very ineffective, but that is something that can be rectified.

    I don’t care if the Somali air if poisoned by the smoke and soot of a gigantic oil fire. I don’t care if their fishing waters are polluted and their catch killed. Hunger is one hell of a motivator, it can make a person actually get off of their lazy asses and go to work. It can cause major changes in political moods and attitudes. But it’s going to take some world leaders that have the BALLS to actually commit to stopping these acts of piracy, and terrorism and paying the ransoms.

    And therein lies the REAL problem, world leaders with BALLS, and world leaders, as well as bleeding heart Americans, that don’t sympathize WITH the Somali pirates!


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