“Preserving our Freedoms, Protecting America”

Stolen with permission from Tracy at NO COMPROMISE

To: Chief Patrol Officers Paul Beeson &
Yuma Border Patrol Sector
4035 S. Ave A
Yuma, AZ 85365-5002
(928) 341-6500  Fax: 928.341.6682
Committee on Homeland Security Democrats
Committee on Homeland Security Republicans

Dear Officers Beeson and Roll,

At the top of the website at the Department of Homeland security it states:

“Preserving our Freedoms, Protecting America”

Really?  I don’t think so!  I think this statement is supposed to make us FEEL safe,  not actually BE safe from those who want to take away our Rights and Freedom!

Let me start off by saying I am not the direct victim, I am an INDIRECT VICTIM!

On April 15th, your border patrol agents, Diaz, Griffin, and Gomez stopped an American Citizen, Steve Anderson,  at a checkpoint on I-8 near Aztec, AZ.  Their claim for the stop was that their drug dog detected a scent.

When American Citizen Anderson exercised his Fourth Amdt Natural Right to be secure in his person, property, papers, and effects, Anderson requested that the dog be brought back to do a second walk around his car.  When that minor request was denied by those who made the accusation, Anderson’s car was severely vandelized, he was forced from his car, mercilessly beaten, and tazzed,  and a boot pushed down on his face into broken glass.

View youtube video and blog post here>  http://www.nocompromisemedia.com/?p=5902

I have a question for you, Chief Beeson and Roll,

Is it normal for drug runners and human traffickers to request that drug sniffing dogs returned to their vehicle for a second walk around?

I think not, so why did the agents not comply with this tax paying American Citizen’s request?  Why did this clearly abnormal request not cause the agents to stop and think perhaps this guy is safe, and legal and not a threat?

Why wasn’t the dog brought back to the Citizen for a second walk around?  Do you really believe you do not have to prove your accusation,  and need no warrant for these BASELESS and LYING accusations against American Citizens? Is the assertion of a Fourth Amdt Right NOW a crime deserving of torture?

This is the oath Gomez, Griffin, and Diaz, I am assuming,  swore to uphold,  on the day they started to serve us America Citizens:

I, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.

And as a reminder to you and your Agents, the servants of this Great Nation,  and servants to us American Citizens:  The fourth Amendment states:

“The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated; and no Warrants shall issue but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.”

No Warrant was issued because there was no probable cause.  There was no probable cause because Citizen Anderson requested the dog to be returned to his vehicle!

Furthermore, no oath can ever be based upon a lie.  The truth is, is that the dog did not smell any drugs or humans in Anderson’s car,  or the agents would have brought back the dog to demonstrate that fact. The arrogance that these agents displayed is outrageous and appalling and deserve action to be taken against them!!

Anderson’s Rights were violated and it is a blotch of shame,  not only on the agents who violated this man’s Rights, but you as leaders, for not enforcing the oath you all took when you decided to serve US! Integrity and Truth is critical and non-negotiable when serving in this capacity.  The American Citizen depends on integrity and Truth and once that is gone we have tyranny which is terrorism, domestic terrorism against the American People!

Yes, it’s probably pretty hard for you to see that you and your men were involved with a tyrannical act,  but that is how a lot of us Americans see what happen to Anderson. This is a simple objective fact!
Tyranny hides behind a badge whereas terrorism doesn’t!

What’s the point in you and your men to take the oath of office if you refuse to uphold American Citizen’s Rights? Yes, I know there is a war going on at the border,  but that does NOT give you,  or your men,  or the US government the Supreme Right to violate our Natural Rights!

“They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.”  Ben Franklin, Founding Father,  and Signer to the Declaration of Independence.

I am a supporter of the Border Patrol,  but not before my Constitution.

Your men have brains, sir, and can exercise judgment because of their experience and when an American Citizen requests that those who are accusing him PROVE why they are accusing him,  and the government refuses that is grounds for these perpetrators to be fired for the violation of our Rights,  and prosecuted for assault, kidnapping and property vandalism, and more importantly the violation of Civil Rights done under the color of Law!

When one American Citizen’s Rights are violated,  all American Citizen’s Rights have been violated!
You have no excuse whatsoever, to destroy Anderson’s property, assault him, violate his Rights, humiliate him,  and all done on the excuse that you are fighting a drug war!

Your men acted like jack-booted thugs and as an American Citizen I am appalled at their actions and will make sure that everyone I know hears about what your agents have done under your authority, and that they know that the  YUMA station is filled with agents we, American Citizens, CAN NOT trust!

Terrorists  hiding behind badges we pay for! How despicable!

  • It’s a sad day in America right now,  and this behavior doesn’t help!
  • It’s a sad day that most Americans can’t trust their government anymore!
  • It’s a sad day that we are called racists,  and can’t profile the real terrorists!
  • It’s a sad day that we can’t torture the real terrorists, but American Citizens can be tortured with tasers and boots standing on our heads while glass is embedded into our faces!!

I hope to God, your sons never go through that humiliation!

I do expect an answer back from both of you on this issue,  and be advised that I have posted this violation of Rights on my blog,  and you are more than welcome to answer the charges to that American people who pay for the privilege of being beat for defending their own Rights because your men wouldn’t uphold our Rights!

The Border Patrol does not need bad PR right now when it’s desperately seeking TRUSTWORTHY people to work to fight the real terrorists!

I have emailed and faxed this letter to the border patrol agents, Arizona’s US representatives, and senators, the Attorney General, many bloggers, and Citizen Steve Anderson.

Government tyranny MUST BE STOPPED right now!  And you as, leaders,  must head that charge!

It is NOT impossible for you to defend our borders,  and our Constitutional Rights at the same time. It has been done for over 200 years in this greatest Nation!

In conclusion,
I really believe that you leaders mock the American People,  and you laugh at us when we assert our Rights because you believe there will no consequences for these atrocities and crimes against the American people,  and as cowards hide behind sovereign immunity!

Why should you get immunity when an American Citizen can’t get his Rights? If you deny us our Rights your immunity should be denied You!

A very concerned American Citizen,
Tracy (last name withheld for fear of her government)
Washington state

Many American Citizens via email and blog posts
Pastor Steven Anderson   Info@faithfulwordbaptist.org
AZ AG  Terry Goddard Fax 602.542.4085
Rep. Raul M. Grijalva  fax (202) 225-1541
Rep.  Trent Franks fax 202.225.6328
Rep. Ann Kirkpatrick fax 202.226.9739
Rep. John Shadegg  fax 202.225.3462
Rep. Ed Pastor fax (202) 225-4065
Rep. Harry Mitchell  fax  (480) 946-2446
Rep. Jeff Flake fax 202.226.2635
Rep. Gabrielle Giffords Fax: (202) 225-0378
Sen. Jon Kyl fax 202.224.2207
Sen. John McCain 202.228.2862
ATTN:  Committee on Homeland Security Democrats Fax: (202) 226-4499
ATTN:  Committee on Homeland Security Republicans Fax: 202.226.3399
Sheriff Arpio emailed:  http://mcso.org/index.php?a=GetModule&mn=Contact_Us&p=pubcom
Ernesto Gomez ernesto.gomez@dhs.gov
Cesar Y. Diaz cesar.diaz@dhs.gov

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4 Responses to ““Preserving our Freedoms, Protecting America””

  1. “Preserving our Freedoms, Protecting America” Says:

    […] Original post by Conservative Libertarian Outpost […]


  2. Topics about America » Archive » “Preserving our Freedoms, Protecting America” Says:

    […] Conservative Libertarian Outpost put an intriguing blog post on â […]


  3. Topics about America » Archive » “Preserving our Freedoms, Protecting America” « Conservative … Says:

    […] Patrick Sperry placed an interesting blog post on â […]


  4. No Compromises Says:

    “stolen with permission from Tracy.” That’s funny Patrick! Thanks for posting. I have learned some more about all of this since yesterday which you can view on my site! Thanks a bunch sweetie!


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