Things that make Gun owners cringe

No, these are things that are even worse than activist judges. Worse than all the lies told by the VPC, the Brady Bunch and San Fran Nan combined.

It is the improper use of firearms, period.

Firearms are tools and nothing more. A tool is an extension of a persons will. Be it a hammer driving a nail, a scalpel in the hand of a surgeon, or a firearm being used to save, or take a life. Are these uses  questions of moral equivalency, or can they be divided into issues that are black and white?

I believe that it all comes down to a persons sense of responsibility and accountability. Two components without which one cannot have Honor, and further that  one must have a rather healthy dose of inner honesty in order to use the two previous qualities properly.

Of course I would never expect the various hopolophobe groups to acknowledge that guns are not evil in and of themselves. The flip side of this coin is that I do expect gun owners to realize the moral commitment that attaches to oneself simply by being an owner of weapons.

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