It appears that Gunny Bob at 850 KOA is on a rampage, and I don’t blame him one bit. First our fearless leader bows to the king of a country that supplied most of the people that attacked the United States on 9/11, and now he refuses to even acknowledge that the attack on the Arkansas recruiting station was a terrorist act. Certainly the list is much longer. One only has to read the news or the many blogs that are not kowtowing to the impostor in chief to be aware that something is just not right in America. Heck, when Pravda is more truthful than the American MSM it should be a wake up call…


“The CIA and Pentagon both say huge numbers of US military personnel have been killed in Iraq by the Iranian terrorist regime. The State Department lists the Iranian government as a terrorist entity. Obama just formally invited them to join our Independence Day celebrations. Is this fool out of his mind?”

Leftist Paper Had Refused Until Gunny Humiliated The Infamous Rag On The Air

Shortly after Abdulhakim Mujahid Muhammad, who received terrorist training in Yemen and was illegally traveling on a Somali passport, attacked a military recruiting office in Little Rock at 10:30AM CT (9:30AM MT) on 1 June, news outlets across the country began urgently reporting the story. The shocking story went national within minutes.

But the Denver Post, run by Obamanista Greg Moore, refused to carry the story of how an Army recruiter’s assistant was killed in the brazen attack, another wounded, and that the terrorist would be charged with 1st degree murder and 15 counts of committing a terrorist act.

By 9:15PM MT, the Post was still refusing to publish the story. Gunny Bob went on the air and immediately began reporting how the Post would not run the story despite major national coverage. He did this repeatedly until 1:00AM Tuesday. At precisely that time, the Post capitulated and published the story 15 1/2 hours after it broke.

And the Post wonders why it is on the verge of extinction.

Nationalization of corporations without Constitutional authority

Firing of corporate executives without Constitutional authority

Driving the US into near bankruptcy

Using taxpayer dollars to fund overseas abortion mills

Refusing to condemn a brazen, deadly terrorist attack on US Army recruiter’s assistants

Inviting a terrorist regime to celebrate our Independence Day

Insulting America on his “America Sucks and We Apologize World Tour”

Conspiring with the voter fraud group ACORN

Dropping charges against two Black Panthers after they had already been found guilty of a variety of crimes


While there be sure to check out this.

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  1. k.j cothran usn (ret) Says:

    bob newman,thank you for standing up for the country that i have spent the better part of my lifetime serving.when i went into the service as a young man,i took an oath to support and defend the constitution against ALL enemies foreign and domestic,just because i retired doesn’t mean i untook that oath.i and many like me are just waiting for an organization to help us make a difference.we want join together but need common question to you sir is how.


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