“White House Fires Back at Enzi” So what?

One of my Senators figured out that the people of Wyoming simply don’t want the federal government involved any more than absolutely necessary in our health care. Not to mention that if Senator Enzi goes over to the dark side it will be political suicide. So, despite the WaPo story some Senators might just have figured out that we, the people, are who they work for. Not the President…

President Obama’s spokesman accused congressional Republicans on Monday of “stepping away” from attempts to reach a bipartisan agreement on overhauling the U.S. health-care system.

White House press secretary Robert Gibbs took issue with Sen. Mike Enzi’s national radio address Saturday, in which he warned that Democratic proposals would allow for the “intrusion of a Washington bureaucrat in the relationship between a doctor and a patient” and “will actually make our nation’s finances sicker without saving you money.”

Enzi (Wyo.) has been one of three Republicans on the Senate Finance Committee negotiating a possible bipartisan health-care compromise, and Gibbs called his address “tremendously unfortunate but in some ways illuminating.”

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One Response to ““White House Fires Back at Enzi” So what?”

  1. TexasFred Says:

    A lot of these bastards need to figure out WHO it is they work for…

    And it isn’t Obama…


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