AWB 2009 Redux: or maybe 2010..?

Well, they are back, as we warned you vigilance is the word of the day. Repeating the same old worn out lies and deceptions yet again, America, is being blamed for the corruption of a nation that is out of the control of legitimate government.

The Hidalgo’s that run Mexico, be they in government, or the real people that run things down there, the cartel’s, have a problem. It is their problem, and not ours. yet, the statists in and out of our own government insist that by depriving our people of their rights it will somehow set Mexico on the straight and narrow.

I say, in no uncertain terms, bullshit! If anything, restrictions on heavy weaponry for common Americans should be relaxed, if not abolished. I don’t buy into the “just enforce the existing laws” argument. Not for a second. We already have too many laws, and more will only muddle the mix even more, not to mention that a lot of laws just plain should not be on the books in the first place.

Want to stop the black markets in weapons? Pull it’s teeth, as in take the incentive from the criminals. Make them legal. Same thing for most gang related violence. End the turf wars via de-funding the gangs. Legalize recreational drugs and the gangs go broke. It’s a lot tougher to by grenades and full auto weapons when you don’t have a ready made money pipeline to draw upon.

So just what brought this up? read about it HERE.

These fools want amnesty for illegals as well. Go figure!

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