A tale of a Congress that just is not happy

Yes, I about fell over when I read this. No, not about the content. But? The source!

Growing discontent over the economy and frustration with efforts to speed its recovery boiled over Thursday on Capitol Hill in a wave of criticism and outright anger directed at the Obama administration.

Episodes in both houses of Congress exposed the raw nerves of lawmakers flooded with stories of unemployment and economic hardship back home. They also underscored the stiff headwinds that the administration faces as it pushes to enact sweeping changes to the financial regulatory system while also trying to create jobs for ordinary Americans.


Mayhap’s  MSNBC  has grown tired of bottom feeding? Probably more along the lines of covering their butts because the backlash that is growing by leaps and bounds could cost them some pretty big nickles down the road. For, after all is said and done,  MSNBC is a capitalist organization dependent upon revenue generation.

I’m using MSNBC as a whipping boy here, however, this applies to the entire main stream media. You simply cannot go on forever bashing the beliefs of the people who you are dependent upon for your own survival. Be that anti-tax protesters, supporters of First or Second Amendment rights, people who prefer smaller less intrusive government, pro-life folks, and the list goes on.

Those are the people who pay the bills, including those of the mainstream media. They do not enjoy having their morning bowl of oatmeal being peed in repeatedly. People do not want government involved in their health care much beyond licensing and enforcement of drug policies. They don’t like being laid off from their jobs, yet being repeatedly told that trickle down economics are some sort of voodoo as they lose everything that they own, including any hope of comfortable retirement.

That’s right, stay out of my bedroom as well as my hospital room, leave me alone to pray as I choose to, or not. Leave my ability to properly and effectively defend what is mine alone, and don’t blame a failed state like Mexico’s problems on my freedoms. Don’t pass laws now that hold us accountable for things done years ago or that we had nothing at all to do with.

Don’t preach to we the people MSM, because we don’t like it, and you might just find yourself next to us commoners in the unemployment line.

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2 Responses to “A tale of a Congress that just is not happy”

  1. Anthony G. Martin Says:


    You got my note about posting my Examiner article, didn’t you? I wanted you to be sure to see it, because when it comes to my friends, like you, I don’t restrict usage. I know you will give proper credit and provide a link. I didn’t know that other person who wanted to post my entire article, so I had to set limits there…but that doesn’t apply to my friends.



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