The very angry Tea Party: That’s putting it mildly

The people that make up the Taxed Enough Already Party are indeed very angry. For a variety of reasons.

The seething anger that seems to be an indigenous aspect of the Tea Party movement arises, I think, at the very place where politics and metaphysics meet, where metaphysical sentiment becomes political belief.  More than their political ideas, it is the anger of Tea Party members that is already reshaping our political landscape.  As Jeff Zeleny reported last Monday in The Times, the vast majority of House Democrats are now avoiding holding town-hall-style forums — just as you might sidestep an enraged, jilted lover on a subway platform — out of fear of confronting the incubus of Tea Party rage that routed last summer’s meetings.  This fear-driven avoidance is, Zeleny stated, bringing the time-honored tradition of the political meeting to the brink of extinction.”

Full Story

One would think that those politicians would get the message. Rather than that, they are coming up with all sorts of excuses for not listening to the American people. Afraid of a little tar and feathering perhaps?

“In his brilliant exposition of why sweeping policy changes often have unintended consequences, the late sociologist Robert K. Merton wrote that leaders get things wrong when their “paramount concern with the foreseen immediate consequences excludes the consideration of further or other consequences” of their proposals. This leads policy makers to assert things that are false, wishing them to be true.

Which brings us to President Obama’s many claims about his health-care reform. Take his oft-expressed statement that if you like the coverage you have, you can keep it. That sounds good—but perverse incentives in his new law will cause most Americans to lose their existing insurance.”

Full Story HERE and it is more than simply another case of unintended consequences…

How’s the ECONOMY working out for you obamanites?

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7 Responses to “The very angry Tea Party: That’s putting it mildly”

  1. PanAm Says:

    From this end, in support, briefly, if a certain group of people are upset, the good reasons for their being upset need to be taken into account, not disregarded or disparaged…


  2. Scorpion Says:

    Guess their constituents can just gather FREQUENTLY right outside their local offices. Make sure to cover ALL ENTRANCES and EXITS!! Give them hell 24 hours a day via telephone, facsimile transmissions, email communications and protesting FREQUENTLY and LOUDLY around ALL ENTRANCES AND EXITS from their offices.


  3. Patrick Sperry Says:

    I agree PanAm, however, my real point was in the very different takes on the situation via the linked stories. One, the first from a classic liberal multicultural viewpoint. The second from a rational and well known conservative.

    The classic debate really. Pure unadulterated emotionalism verses raw logic and rational thought.


  4. mainenowandthen Says:

    Interesting indeed, Patrick.

    The purveyor of multicultural gobbledegook brings the art of projection to a fine point …. all of that sound and fury and the only thing clear is that he appears ready to wet his diapers in the face of the horrifying “rage” exhibited by the savages from the hinterlands. Most instructive, when you consider that this is the kind of “expert” that Obama appears to rely upon for his advice and guidance.

    They really don’t get it and I doubt if they ever will.

    And that is the true danger that we now face. It is going to be a long, hard battle.


  5. BP Chairman Tony Hayward Faces the Wrath of PCW Competition Committee « Political Championship Wrestling Says:

    […] – dismantle BP for real and political reasons and what will follow? And more. June 17, 2010 PanAmThe very angry Tea Party: That's putting it mildly June 17, 2010 Patrick SperryHow Much Disrespect Is Too Much? June 17, 2010 Blackiswhite, Imperial […]


  6. TexasFred Says:

    Well, I sent it to ALL of my TEA Party contacts, and so far, the dead-assed, lazy, apathetic fuck-nuts haven’t even bothered to reply… I am really getting fed up with apathetic assholes that sit back, do nothing but talk, don’t vote, and then BITCH about how things are going… Bastards… (/rant)


  7. Patrick Sperry Says:

    All show and no go again I suppose Fred. Citizen apathy will be the downfall of our nation. Maine or Head Muscle, I forget which right now did an excellent post about that. Then, the next day or so you posted about how so few people voted in your local election…

    People simply do not realize the impact of not voting. That, or they just don’t give a rats ass.


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