Rep Mccarthy introducing national gun control legislation following

Continuing the “Stuck on Stupid” agenda of those that detest freedom, liberty, and the Constitution Representative Carolyn McCarthy is back touting Chuck Schumer style treason against her oath. While that’s nothing new for the usual suspects we must always be vigilant, and stay on top of things. A lack of vigilance is what turned our system of law on it’s head when Lautenburg snuck in ex post facto law into the Domestic Violence law named after his pathetic pompous and politically correct mysandryic self.

A House bill that could drastically overhaul the nation’s gun control laws and strengthen federal power over states’ handling of individuals’ background checks is expected to be introduced today by New York Rep. Carolyn McCarthy, The Daily Caller has learned.

McCarthy is expected to drop the Fix Gun Checks Act of 2011 — a  near-identical companion to that of fellow New Yorker Chuck Schumer’s Senate bill — according to sources familiar with the legislation.


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