It’s Back: Free Speech is just fine, as long as you agree with them! DISCLOSE ACT


Anti-gun Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (NV) really does not want gun owners’ voices to be heard in Washington, D.C.


Anti-gun Democrat leaders have scheduled a vote for Monday, July 16, on the so-called DISCLOSE Act.


You may recall that the DISCLOSE Act passed the House in 2010 but died in the Senate after an intense lobbying effort by Gun Owners of America and other groups.


The bill coming to the floor on Monday, S. 3369, sponsored by Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse, puts severe and unconstitutional limits on GOA’s ability to hold individual congressmen accountable in the months leading up to an election.


Instead of protecting the most important type of speech protected by the First Amendment — political speech — this bill would force groups like GOA to “disclose” the names of donors in certain political advertisements.


Since Gun Owners of America is not willing to disclose its membership lists to the Federal Election Commission, we could be prohibited from running radio or TV ads exposing a federal candidate’s voting record during the election season.


This is just another attempt by pathetic, anti-gun politicians like Harry Reid to save their jobs before the political earthquake in November strikes. Indeed, if GOA candidates are victorious in Senate races in November, Harry Reid will no longer be the Majority Leader.


And, as has been the case so often with Reid, there have been no committee hearings to debate the merits of the bill, thus the American people have no opportunity to see just how egregiously DISCLOSE violates the Constitution. In fact, the bill was introduces less than a week ago.


Please urge your Senators to protect ALL of the Bill of Rights. Remind them that your ability to protect the Second Amendment relies on the safeguards of the First Amendment.


ACTION: Contact your Senators and urge them to oppose the DISCLOSE Act. You can use the Gun Owners Legislative Action Center to send your Senators a pre-written e-mail message.



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One Response to “It’s Back: Free Speech is just fine, as long as you agree with them! DISCLOSE ACT”

  1. Patrick Sperry Says:

    Last week, Mexico emerged as the leader in spearheading the effort to internationally regulate civilian firearms at the UN “Small Arms Treaty” meetings in New York City.

    The delegation from Mexico has said, “This treaty must cover all type of conventional weapons, without differentiation on its supposed use.”

    Just as we warned, Mexico is using the Obama administration’s “Fast and Furious” debacle as their justification to weaken your Second Amendment rights.

    You see, the corrupt Mexican government has been working closely with the Obama administration even before the UN “Small Arms Treaty” meetings to cover-up their inability to control drug violence on their border.

    Even weeks before the UN “Small Arms Treaty” meetings, when confronted about his country’s blatant assault on American Second Amendment rights, the Mexican ambassador to the U.S. said that assertion was “gobbledygook.”

    Contrary to what the Ambassador believes, Mexico’s internal crime problem does not mean that America has an external Second Amendment problem.

    But Mexican bureaucrats and politicians are smart, just like their pencil-pushing American counterparts.

    They know they can’t come after our Second Amendment rights all at once.

    Make no doubt about it — Obama’s anti-gun record shows just how badly he wants to take your gun rights away.

    You better believe that NAGR will never shy away from a battle this important to our nation’s sovereignty.

    The news about Obama using Mexico to take a shot at our rights is especially insulting considering Barack Obama’s botched ATF “Fast and Furious” gun-smuggling scandal.

    Thanks to Attorney General Eric Holder’s “Fast and Furious” debacle, the ATF distributed 2,000 American weapons to the very drug cartels that Mexico is fighting.

    Not surprisingly, the ATF then lost track of the guns.

    That is until two of the lost ATF weapons showed up at the murder scene of an Arizona border patrol agent.

    New facts have shown that the Obama Justice Department instituted “Fast and Furious” in part to put pressure on elected officials to go along with new gun-grabbing efforts like the UN “Small Arms Treaty.”

    I don’t know about you, but I’m not going to let a foreign country or an incompetent gun-grabbing politician take away our God-given right to protect ourselves, our families and our communities from criminals.

    I’ve instructed my staff to mobilize our grassroots army with a simple objective — furiously pressure Capitol Hill to keep the Mexican government’s hands off of our guns and our Second Amendment rights.

    I know I can count on you to join me and the rest of our grassroots supporters in stopping these outright assaults on our national sovereignty.

    No foreign country should dictate to us what our Second Amendment means.

    For Freedom,

    Dudley Brown
    Executive Vice President

    P.S. There is good news tonight from Washington, D.C.

    Thanks to the hundreds of thousands of calls and emails by NAGR members and supporters over the last two days, the free speech-crushing DISCLOSE Act went down to defeat this evening in the U.S. Senate.

    By no means is this fight over. But for a moment, gun rights activists have been victorious over the anti-freedom crowd.

    To help the National Association for Gun Rights fight the anti-gunners nationwide, please consider chipping in $15 or $20 right now.


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