It’s the Economy Stupid!

From far and wide it seems that all we hear is the hue and cry about how to fix the economy. I read about how we should be “fair” about taxing the “rich.”

That’s all fine and good if you are simply stuck on stupid. Think about it people. Who pays the lions share already when it comes to taxes? The upper middle class and the truly wealthy, that’s who. If everyone paid taxes at the same rate, yes, even welfare recipients, there would be no budget crisis. In fact though, taxes would probably drop to levels unheard of in modern times. Even on those of us that really are much better off than the rest of us.

But no, we would rather sit around and play the class warfare game. Answer me this socialist pundits. When was the last time that a poor person gave you a job? Any job, even a poor paying job? It’s called trickle down, or yes, up, economics. The system works, and yes, it is part and parcel of free market economic models. Before the lefty’s jump all over me about how we got into this mess through free market policies just remember that there has never, in all history been a true full economic system. From the Soviet Unions official Black Market to the unofficial black market there was a degree of capitalism at work there. Here in the United States we have onerous regulation that destroys most of what would be described as a free market. Leftest lawmakers dabbled in the free market, and guess what happened? You are living through it! Not to mention that we do indeed have a black market at work here as well. Drugs, weapons, and even tobacco products thrive in the era of taxation beyond the pale.

So what do we do? Turning over our own responsibilities to a bunch of elected officials that really are clueless is not the answer. Revolution, while quite attractive to many, would take generations to achieve the standard of living that we now enjoy to be achieved once again. Compromise, when addressing ones deepest held values is no virtue. In a nation so diverse as The United States those values may indeed be just as diverse. How do we address that Pandora’s box?

I submit that we should look to our own history for the answers to this all. Restore the original intent of The Declaration of Independence, The Constitution, and The Bill of Rights.

Here are just a few things that would get us headed back on the road to prosperity.

  • Reign in The Supreme Court. Rulings that serve only the interests of government and cronies have destroyed the actual owning of private property. The taking of civil rights for much less than true mental deficiency or felonious behaviors. Forcing the purchase of anything that is a private product that does not involve the safety of others are just a few examples.
  • End the drug war, period. All drugs, period. We could still have purity and efficiency laws for medicinals. Plus we would not be party to making thugs and murderers into millionaires. There will always be alcoholics and drug abusers and gangsters will always find some vehicle of prey but we will not be enablers to that on a national scale.
  • Develop a system whereby elected officials are subject to a performance evaluation that is more than simply winning an election.
  • End the barriers to new political persuasions entering the market of ideas. The Republicans and Democrats have had a free ride for way to long and have done little for anyone but themselves. As in the politicians themselves. Just look at how the Democrat Party has used and abused people of color, and how the Republicans have done the same to the working man.
  • Overhaul the education system here from top to bottom. I should not even begin to have to go into that issue!
  • Community Service: All people, unless gravely disabled, should be required to have spent some time in service to the nation. Be that as a volunteer in EMS, Firefighting, or Armed Forces or Police work. All persons I should reemphasize, no getting out of it because you are the son or daughter of a Senator such as happened all to often during the draft. I myself would like to see a two year mandatory period of service in the armed forces. Right out of High school, no deferments, no straight into any Officers program that includes basic training in Infantry skills. The national bonus to that is obvious. But that is just me.

I am sure that many will argue against what I just offered. Feel free to defend your positions. But, being a Marine Corps Brat, you had better have a better alternative to offer, and not just say that you don’t like this or that.

Keep the shiny side up!


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