The next time some moronic anti-gun Progressive Liberal tries to hand you that line of BS about how much safer we would ALL be if our guns were taken away, show them this page, these numbers and then challenge them to prove otherwise!

Hat tip, and stolen from TEXAS FRED

The anti-gun people are always telling us how much safer we would be if no one had guns, they want us to believe that murder rates would go DOWN if ALL Americans were disarmed.

The next time some moronic anti-gun Progressive Liberal tries to hand you that line of BS, show them this page, these numbers and then challenge them to prove otherwise!

See the statistics at the bottom of the page. Kind of contradicts what the hand wringing politicians, from BOTH sides of the aisle, and anti-gun Progressive Liberals would have us believe doesn’t it?

From the World Health Organization:

Murders per 100,000 citizens

Honduras 91.6

El Salvador 69.2

Cote d’lvoire 56.9

Jamaica 52.2

Venezuela 45.1

Belize 41.4

US Virgin Islands 39.2

Guatemala 38.5

Saint Kits and Nevis 38.2

Zambia 38.0

Uganda 36.3

Malawi 36.0

Lesotho 35.2

Trinidad and Tobago 35.2

Colombia 33.4

South Africa 31.8

Congo 30.8

Central African Republic 29.3

Bahamas 27.4

Puerto Rico 26.2

Saint Lucia 25.2

Dominican Republic 25.0

Tanzania 24.5

Sudan 24.2

Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 22.9

Ethiopia 22.5

Guinea 22.5

Dominica 22.1

Burundi 21.7

Democratic Republic of the Congo 21.7

Panama 21.6

Brazil 21.0

Equatorial Guinea 20.7

Guinea-Bissau 20.2

Kenya 20.1

Kyrgyzstan 20.1

Cameroon 19.7

Montserrat 19.7

Greenland 19.2

Angola 19.0

Guyana 18.6

Burkina Faso 18.0

Eritrea 17.8

Namibia 17.2

Rwanda 17.1

Mexico 16.9

Chad 15.8

Ghana 15.7

Ecuador 15.2

North Korea 15.2

Benin 15.1

Sierra Leone 14.9

Mauritania 14.7

Botswana 14.5

Zimbabwe 14.3

Gabon 13.8

Nicaragua 13.6

French Guiana 13.3

Papua New Guinea 13.0

Swaziland 12.9

Bermuda 12.3

Comoros 12.2

Nigeria 12.2

Cape Verde 11.6

Grenada 11.5

Paraguay 11.5

Barbados 11.3

Togo 10.9

Gambia 10.8

Peru 10.8

Myanmar 10.2

Russia 10.2

Liberia 10.1

Costa Rica 10.0

Nauru 9.8

Bolivia 8.9

Mozambique 8.8

Kazakhstan 8.8

Senegal 8.7

Turks and Caicos Islands 8.7

Mongolia 8.7

British Virgin Islands 8.6

Cayman Islands 8.4

Seychelles 8.3

Madagascar 8.1

Indonesia 8.1

Mali 8.0

Pakistan 7.8

Moldova 7.5

Kiribati 7.3

Guadeloupe 7.0

Haiti 6.9

Timor-Leste 6.9

Anguilla 6.8

Antigua and Barbuda 6.8

Lithuania 6.6

Uruguay 5.9

Philippines 5.4

Ukraine 5.2

Estonia 5.2

Cuba 5.0

Belarus 4.9

Thailand 4.8

Suriname 4.6

Laos 4.6

Georgia 4.3

Martinique 4.2

And then we have this:

The United States 4.2

ALL the countries listed above the United States have 100% gun bans.

How’s THAT gun ban thing working out for them?

You know you live in a Country run by idiots if being stripped of the ability to defend yourself makes you “safe”. ~Chicago Ray~

After a shooting spree, they always want to take the guns away from the people who didn’t do it. ~William S. Burroughs~

I received this from a friend via email but most of the stats appear to be confirmed via this PDF:

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5 Responses to “The next time some moronic anti-gun Progressive Liberal tries to hand you that line of BS about how much safer we would ALL be if our guns were taken away, show them this page, these numbers and then challenge them to prove otherwise!”

  1. commontater Says:

    An excellent, informative post, Patrick. This is off-topic, but are you aware that the Newton shooting had a “coincidence drill scenario” element to it much like the other terrier.ists attacks in US & UK? There was a write-up about it at this link:

    and it appears to have been verified by local law enforcement. I thought you might like to check up on this one for yourself. As always, excellent informative blog!


  2. commontater Says:

    O gawd, my man, you’re THE Patrick Sperry!? *gasp*


  3. Patrick Sperry Says:



  4. To ban or not to ban guns | THE GOOD WORD Says:

    […] The next time some moronic anti-gun Progressive Liberal tries to hand you that line of BS about how … […]


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