a “pro-gun” patsy

You may have seen NAGR’s e-mail a few weeks ago where we publicly exposed Alan Gottlieb’s compromises of your Second Amendment rights.

And we called it what it is: endorsing gun control, and leading the fight for national gun registration.

This isn’t anything new.  Alan Gottlieb did the exact same thing last year during the post-Newtown, Connecticut tragedy battle in the U.S. Senate.

It amazed everyone at the time, but Alan Gottlieb proclaimed he helped write the Toomey-Manchin Universal Background Check bill.

You remember that legislation — it forced every firearm sale in America to go through the Brady system, which is, plain and simple, national gun registration.

What else do you call going through a government-mandated system to beg permission to practice what is supposed to be a right — with the records being kept by varying levels of government agents for later retrieval?

That’s gun registration.  And since it’s a federal bill in Congress, forcing all states to do it, it’s national.

National + Gun Registration = National Gun Registration.

But don’t take my word for it; take Alan Gottlieb’s word.

Here’s what was written in the Second Amendment Foundation’s (SAF) “The Gottlieb Tartaro Report” Issue 137, May, 2006:

Rabidly anti-gun Sen. FRANK LAUTENBERG (D-NJ) has introduced S. 843, “to establish background check procedures for gun shows,” which in fact is a massive gun registration program of incredibly dangerous scope. (highlight added)

Here, we agree with Alan Gottlieb; forcing all sales at gun shows to go through a Brady check is “a massive gun registration program.”  And yes, it’s incredibly dangerous.

Or look at the SAF report from Dec. 6, 2001, when Gottlieb wrote:

The fact is, Charles Schumer always envisioned the Brady Law as a gun registration scheme, and he has seized on this opportunity to lament that the NICS records are strictly off-limits for that kind of political skullduggery. 

Well said.  It’s a registration scheme — and now Gottlieb himself is leading the charge to pass it.

The good news is that we killed Toomey-Manchin . . . for now.

But it was darn close.  Harry Reid, Chuck Schumer, Dianne Feinstein, and Barack Obama nearly got their way and forced Brady Registration on every American.

To pass this gun control, they needed a “pro-gun” patsy to give them cover.

Enter Alan Gottlieb.

Had it passed — when Alan Gottlieb claimed he helped write it — we could have called that the “Gottlieb law,” forcing every private sale in America to go through Brady prior to transfer . . . and thus register their guns.

And rather than celebrate the victory over Toomey-Manchin, and build a bulwark against any further attempts, Alan Gottlieb’s response is that it’s inevitable, and we should support it.

Had he asked me, I would tell Alan Gottlieb to publicly apologize for playing such a prominent role in passing gun control, and be elated that it didn’t pass.

Now that he’s being called out for his compromises, Alan Gottlieb is using silly and childish antics, and even threatening to sue.

That might have worked with others in the past, but the truth is always a defense.

And all you have to do is watch either video to see that Alan Gottlieb isn’t fighting against universal background checks.

Given his fervor to pass national gun registration, we have to ask some questions:

What other gun controls does Alan Gottlieb think Americans should pass, since they are inevitable?

No, we won’t agree to his compromises.

And we won’t remain silent about them, either.

For Freedom,

Dudley Brown
Executive Vice President

P.S. The President of the Second Amendment Foundation Alan Gottlieb is banging the drums for a new expanded federal gun registration bill.  Alan Gottlieb says gun owners should “compromise” with the gun-grabbers.

We say “NO!” and stand ready to fight back against gun control at every opportunity.

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6 Responses to “a “pro-gun” patsy”

  1. alan gottlieb Says:



    • Patrick Sperry Says:

      Alan, not to start anything, but Dudley has done a few things that you have not, and vice versa.

      More than one approach may just get a few things done that need doing!


  2. MaddMedic Says:

    Reblogged this on Freedom Is Just Another Word….


  3. carlwk3c Says:

    Dudley and NAGR are despicable money grabbers whom up is represent all sorts of things to gun owners and about reputable gun rights organizations.


  4. carlwk3c Says:

    Typo above … Who misrepresent all sorts …


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