Posts Tagged ‘Second Amendment to the United States Constitution’

Barrett, LaRue Tactical, Olympic Arms, York Arms, MidwayUSA, Cheaper Than Dirt, Spike’s Tactical: HEROS

February 24, 2013

Ever since the mass murder at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut, the Left has rabidly pursued all manner of unconstitutional gun control legislation. Federal, state and local, the NeoComs stop at nothing to deprive us of our unalienable rights, endowed by our Creator. Yet all is not lost as long as we stand firm.

The National Institute of Justice, the research branch of the Justice Department, recently leaked a memo evaluating many of the White House’s preferred gun control measures. For example, the NIJ says that Dianne Feinstein‘s defensive weapons ban is “unlikely to have an impact on gun violence” because — wait for it — those firearms “are not a major contributor to gun crime.” Therefore, concludes the NIJ, in order for a ban to be effective, it would have to include no exemptions and be paired with a mandatory buyback program.

Notably, Rep. Linda Sanchez (D-CA) just introduced legislation to impose a 10 percent tax on concealable firearms, aiming to fund a federal buyback with the revenue collected.

The NIJ reaches similar conclusions about magazine capacity limits, which would be ineffective while exempting currently owned magazines, and universal background checks, which won’t work without national gun registration because criminals use straw purchasers or steal weapons in order to avoid background checks.

The question is, will Obama and the NeoComs pursue NIJ’s recommended “fixes” to their obviously flawed plans?

While movement has temporarily slowed at the federal level, the states are busy enacting their own draconian gun restrictions. In Colorado, House Democrats passed four anti-gun bills including outlawing concealed carry on college campuses (more on that below), requiring universal background checks and limiting magazine capacity to 15 rounds.

As we noted last week, Magpul, maker of the popular PMAG magazine for AR-15 platform weapons, plans to carry through with its threat to leave the state because of the mag cap limit. Democrats tried offering them an exemption to manufacture their magazines in-state as long as they didn’t sell them there, but Magpul wisely didn’t take the bait. “If we’re able to stay in Colorado and manufacture a product, but law-abiding citizens of the state were unable to purchase the product, customers around the state and the nation would boycott us for remaining here,” said Doug Smith, Magpul’s chief operating officer. The move would take $85 million and hundreds of jobs from Colorado.

In Washington, a bill is in the works with a requirement to “safely and securely store” any legally owned “assault weapons.” It would also provide sheriffs with the power to, “no more than once per year, conduct an inspection to ensure compliance,” upon penalty of up to one year in jail.

Maryland Democrats seek to ban “possessing, selling, offering to sell, transferring, purchasing, or receiving an assault weapon.” That goes beyond Feinstein’s federal ban proposal in that it also bans “possessing.” Furthermore, no one under the age of 21 may possess ammunition, meaning they also can’t hunt. Things aren’t going well in the Used-to-Be Free State.

New York, an early adopter of unconstitutional restrictions post-Newtown, isn’t done. Democrats introduced a bill to require that all gun owners in New York “obtain and continuously maintain a policy of liability insurance in an amount not less than one million dollars specifically covering any damages resulting from any negligent or willful acts involving the use of such firearm while it is owned by such person.” Failing this, a gun owner will face “immediate revocation of such owner’s registration, license and any other privilege to own” a firearm. Privilege? Our copy of the Constitution recognizes the right to keep and bear arms.

Speaking of New York, numerous gun manufacturers and sellers are refusing to sell to law enforcement officers or government agencies anything that can’t be legally bought by the average citizen. This move applies to any other state that bans weapons or magazines while making exceptions for law enforcement officers. So far, none of the big three law enforcement suppliers — Smith & Wesson, Glock and Sig Sauer — have joined the effort, but Barrett, LaRue Tactical, Olympic Arms, York Arms, MidwayUSA, Cheaper Than Dirt, Spike’s Tactical and several others have announced the policy change.

We greatly respect and appreciate our nation’s law enforcement officers, but if a seven-round mag is good enough for a civilian, it’s good enough for a police officer. And if civilians can’t own modern muskets, police shouldn’t either. Civilians and law enforcement personnel are fellow citizens, not subjects.

State news isn’t all bad, however. Ten states have proposed legislation to preempt federal gun bans and protect lawful gun owners. Alabama, Georgia, Indiana, Michigan, Mississippi, Nebraska, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania and Washington have all proposed legislation to protect firearms made and kept within their borders. Alaska, Arizona, Montana and Tennessee have already passed such laws.

Finally, Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia thinks state guns bans will reach the Court. We agree, and we don’t doubt Scalia is itching to reiterate that the Court meant what it said in its Heller and McDonald rulings, and that the Second Amendment also means what it says.

During the debate in Colorado about concealed carry on campus, Democrat state Rep. Joe Salazar explained why women don’t need guns for self-defense against would-be rapists: “It’s why we have call boxes, it’s why we have safe zones, it’s why we have the whistles. Because you just don’t know who you’re gonna be shooting at. And you don’t know if you feel like you’re gonna be raped, or if you feel like someone’s been following you around or if you feel like you’re in trouble when you may actually not be, that you pop out that gun and you pop … pop around at somebody.”

Hot Air’s Mary Katherine Ham retorted, “Well, after all, you might not get raped. In Salazar’s world, not only are women incapable of defending themselves against a physical threat, but they are incapable of even identifying a physical threat, and should therefore be deprived of the ability to try. Empowerment!”

Never fear, the University of Colorado posted some safety tips for avoiding rape, including “kick off your shoes if you have time and can’t run in them.” Failing that, “Tell your attacker that you have a disease or are menstruating. Vomiting or urinating may also convince the attacker to leave you alone.” They conclude, “Only you can decide which action is most appropriate.” Well, unless you decide carrying a firearm is appropriate. Call boxes, whistles and vomiting are peachy ideas, but a handgun would be far better. When seconds count, the police are just minutes away.

Another legislator, Democrat State Senator Jesse Ulaberri, contended that people don’t need guns for self-defense because that just leads to a “whole crossfire.” And besides, the people in Tucson “stood up to defend themselves … and they did it with ball point pens.”

These are the people who think they know what’s best for you.

The Patriot Post

Owning firearms is a First Amendment exercise, too!

February 8, 2013

By Alan Gottlieb

Following the hysteria generated by gun prohibitionists in the wake of the Sandy Hook tragedy, a nationwide rush on gun stores began as citizens bought semiautomatic modern sporting rifles, handguns and ammunition, in effect “making a political statement” about proposals to ban such firearms.

Making political statements is what the First Amendment is all about.

The so-called “assault rifle” has become a symbol of freedom and the right of the people to speak out for the entire Bill of Rights. Banning such firearms, which are in common use today, can no longer be viewed exclusively as an infringement on the Second Amendment, but must also be considered an attack on the First Amendment.

Many people now feel that owning a so-called “assault rifle” without fear of government confiscation defines what it means to be an American citizen. Their backlash against knee-jerk extremism is a natural reaction to overreaching government.

What should one expect in response to this heightened rhetoric and legislative hysteria? Citizens in other countries react differently to government intrusion into their lives, but Americans are uniquely independent. Among firearms owners, talk of gun bans and attempts to limit one’s ability to defend himself or herself against multiple attackers by limiting the number of rounds they can have in a pistol or rifle magazine turns gun owners into political activists.

Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) did not intend her gun ban proposal to cause skyrocketing sales of semiautomatic rifles and pistols, but that’s what happened. She must live with the consequences of her shameless political exploitation of the Sandy Hook tragedy.

President Barack Obama never envisioned the rush to purchase rifle and pistol magazines, but telling American citizens they shouldn’t have something is like sending a signal they need to acquire those things immediately.

Vice President Joe Biden never imagined his efforts would result in a tidal wave of new members and contributions to gun rights organizations, making the firearms community stronger and more united in opposition to any assault on the Second Amendment.

Freedom of association is also protected by the First Amendment.

Perhaps they should take a day off and visit the monuments at Lexington and Concord, and reflect on what prompted those colonists to stand their ground. It was the first time in American history that the government moved to seize arms and ammunition from its citizens, and it went rather badly for the British.

Beneath the surface many Americans are convinced that we may be approaching a point when the true purpose of the Second Amendment is realized. Underscoring this is a new Pew Research Center poll that, for the first time, shows a majority (53 percent) of Americans believe the government is a threat to their rights and freedoms.

Exacerbating the situation is a perceived indifference from the administration toward the rights of firearms owners who have committed no crime, but are being penalized for the acts of a few crazy people.

It is time to lower the rhetoric and allow cooler heads to prevail. The demonization of millions of loyal, law-abiding Americans and the firearms they legally own must cease. If we are to have a rational dialogue about firearms and violent crime, we must recognize that the very people who could be most affected have a First Amendment right to be heard.

Recall the words of Abraham Lincoln, who cautioned us more than 150 years ago that “A house divided against itself cannot stand.” A half-century before him, Benjamin Franklin taught us that “Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.”

Their spirits are calling to us now.

Alan Gottlieb is founder and executive vice president of the Second Amendment Foundation.

Democrats at Feinstein press conference lie to Americans: Of course, that’s what they do best…

January 29, 2013

Congress and the American people:

Today, Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) pulled out all the stops in holding a press conference to introduce her long-anticipated ban on modern rifles and magazines, including universal registration of all gun sales. And today, you have been fed lies by the same politicians who have been trying to confiscate guns since at least the early 1990’s.

At the conference, Democrats, including Sens. Feinstein, Richard Durban (D-IL), Charles Schumer (D-NY) and Representative Carolyn McCarthy (D-NY) , recycled virtually every cynical distortion used by gun ban advocates in their effort to divide and defeat not only Second Amendment supporters, but all freedom-loving Americans.


Lies you are being told

“We don’t want your guns”

Durbin and Schumer appealed to hunters and sportsman, saying: “We don’t want to take your guns.” But their histories and the history of the gun control movement say otherwise. These cynical manipulators of tragedy hope you don’t remember 1994, when passage of the Brady Act, and then the ban on semi-automatic firearms, was immediately followed by “Brady II,” a draconian gun ban which would have given the BATF power to search the homes of law-abiding Americans and would have banned most common self-defense handguns and magazines.

In the present proposal, the “one feature” test for semi-automatic firearms could ban even a .22 caliber rifle if it has a “thumbhole” stock. More importantly, the arbitrary magazine capacity limit will apply to defensive handguns, limiting your ability to protect yourself and your family.

The legislative history of Sens. Feinstein, Schumer and Durbin is that they will take what they can get, and they will not stop in going for the rest. If they pass this ban, more will follow and they will go after your hunting rifle or shotgun. These people have been consistent and clear, they want to prohibit law abiding citizens from owning any type firearm.


“No right is absolute”

Schumer said these are “reasonable limitations” to your Second Amendment rights because, after all, “no right is absolute.” He argued that our First Amendment right to freedom of speech doesn’t allow you to yell “Fire!” in a crowded theater. Apparently, however, this Harvard-educated lawyer is unfamiliar with the concept of “prior restraint.” Prosecuting someone for wrongly yelling “fire” represents prosecution of those who abuse their rights. By contrast, gun control is a restraint on the rights of the law-abiding. If the gun control model were applied to freedom of speech, you would be bound and gagged before entering the theater on the premise that you might yell “fire.”


“Only the ‘Gun Lobby’ opposes reasonable measures”

As much as those who would restrict your freedoms want you to believe “the NRA” and the “gun manufacturers” are the only ones opposing restrictive gun control, understand that the National Coalition to Stop the Gun Ban represents a grass roots movement of millions of law-abiding gun owners, the vast majority of whom don’t earn a dime from this effort, and take time from jobs and families to fight for your civil rights. Ironically, it is the “anti-gun lobby” which actually comprises a small number of well-funded gun ban activists and their paid lobbyists.


“You don’t need an AR-15 to go hunting”

Regurgitated by several anti-gun politicians at the press conference, it was most completely expressed by Philadelphia Police Chief Charles Ramsey, who pointed to an AR-15 and said, “You can’t go hunting with something like that…there would be nothing left to eat.”

But the Second Amendment has nothing to do with hunting. In drafting the Bill of Rights, the Framers intended it as the last in a series of checks and balances against abuse of government – perhaps, indeed, the sort of abuse President Barack Obama, Vice President Joe Biden, Sen. Feinstein and others are determined to thrust on the American people.


“These ‘assault rifles’ are weapons of war”

The guns being targeted by this ban are not “assault rifles,” which are military machine guns virtually unavailable to the public since 1934. Yet Schumer and others repeatedly called the guns “assault rifles” in order to confuse you about the guns they want to ban which, in reality, differ from common hunting guns only by cosmetic features.


“If the magazine ban had been in effect, kids would be alive in Newtown today”

So claimed Sens. Richard Blumenthal and Chris Murphy (both D-CT), in a complete absence of any evidence to that effect. Virginia Tech shooter Seung-Hui Cho was reported to carry one hundred magazines, and most active shooters carry multiple firearms, making magazine capacity moot. Moreover, contrary to claims by gun ban advocates, the rate of violent victimization in schools during the period from 1994 to 2004, when the last semi-auto ban was in effect, increased by five-fold.


Coalition members reject these lies

The thirty-seven (37) participating organizations of the National Coalition to Stop the Gun Ban, representing millions of Second Amendment supporters, reject the lies being told to the American people in order to pass the Feinstein ban.

Some will urge you to “compromise.” The Coalition, however, regards “compromise,” as our opposition defines it, to be a process in which we lose slightly fewer of our rights than under the original proposal. Consequently, any legislation which registers or bans firearms; limits magazine capacity; registers private transactions through NICS; or restricts time, place or manner of self-defense is unacceptable.

Members of Congress who support gun owners by opposing all gun control will, in turn, benefit from support by Coalition organizations. Members of Congress who support gun control by any means, procedural or substantive, will be targeted for defeat by Coalition members. They will be subject to picketing, leaflet drops at events in their districts, phone and mail campaigns, and political action committee opposition. NRA ratings and endorsements will have no impact on Coalition actions.

Do not believe lies promulgated by politicians who exploit tragedy to further their pre-ordained agenda to follow the disarmament path of Britain and Australia. Unlike other countries, the Framers designed our Republic to keep Americans free, and freedom means keeping arms in the hands of the people.


The National Coalition to Stop the Gun Ban



The latest Knox Report column has been posted at
This week Jeff takes a look at the reality of “Assault Weapons.”
Deadly “Assault Weapons” – What are They?
These “scary-looking” guns are the very type referenced in the Second Amendment
By Jeff Knox

There’s been a lot of talk recently about “Assault Weapons,” but it seems that many of the people doing the talking don’t know anything at all about guns, and that’s causing confusion.

As an Army-certified Small Arms Repairman and a lifelong firearms owner and enthusiast, I know a little bit about guns and assault rifles, so I’d like to set the record straight about a few things.

First off, the term “Assault Weapon” is a made-up name.  There really is no such thing.  The term was coined by some firearm marketers back in the 1970s to describe military-looking, semi-auto firearms.  Anti-gun extremists recognized it as a catchy and scary term and exploited it for all it was worth.  The term was a play on the valid label “Assault Rifle,” which is a lightweight, selective fire rifle or carbine.  The key there is that term “selective fire,” which means the operator can select either single shot or multi-shot modes of fire.  In other words, a true assault rifle can fire one shot for each trigger pull, or it can fire a burst or string of shots for each trigger pull – machinegun mode.

What Feinstein, Obama, and Holder are calling “assault weapons” are not selective fire.  They are not machineguns, and are not capable of selective fire.  Nor are they easily modified to be able to fire like machineguns.  These guns are semi-auto firearms that fire one round each time the trigger is pulled, just like a typical revolver or semi-auto pistol, or the 100-year old Winchester Model 1907.

Read the full article by clicking here. 
This Update was sent from The Firearms Coalition to our friends and supporters.
Please forward to others concerned about retaining their rights.
*** Please make sure we have your ZIP Code so we can better alert you to important issues in your state! ***
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Your elected servants need to hear from You!
Please contact your elected representatives now – by phone, email, letters, and faxes – and contact them every few days until they get the message.
STOP ALL Infringements on our rights – No gun bans.  No magazine bans.  No government interference in private firearms transactions.
Tell them that Violent Crime – including “gun crime” – has gone down by more than 50% in the past twenty years – while gun ownership and guns in circulation have gone through the roof.  Tell them to stop trying to control guns and instead do a better job of controlling criminals and the criminally insane.
If you agree with the work we’re doing and you’d like to help, there are three things we ask you to do:
First, stay informed and contact your representatives on a regular basis.
Second, join your local grass roots rights organization and help them in protecting your rights.
Third, join The Firearms Coalition for news, updates, and to add your voice to our efforts.  Contributions – of any amount – are  appreciated.
You can contribute online with PayPal or a credit card at, or you can drop us a check – or just a $5 bill at PO Box 1761, Buckeye, AZ  85326.  If you see value in the work we do, please help us out.  We’ll do our best to give you a good return on your investment.  — Jeff
Please forward, post, and circulate this Update.

Firearms Policy Coalition adds new members

January 26, 2013
BELLEVUE, WA (January 25, 2013) – As the debate over new gun control laws continues to take top billing in state and national news, organizations representing gun owners and Second Amendment rights in five U.S. states have recently joined Firearms Policy Coalition, noted managing director Brandon Combs.
New FPC members include Commonwealth Second Amendment (of Massachusetts), Florida Carry, IllinoisCarry, Hawaii Defense Foundation, and Lone Star Shooting Association (of Texas).
“In the midst of one proposed gun ban after another, the addition of these outstanding organizations to our Coalition means that those working hard to secure our Second Amendment rights are coming together to tell President Obama and our state legislatures that enough is enough,” remarked CCRKBA founder Alan Gottlieb. “The millions of law-abiding American gun owners have had it with being scapegoated for the crimes of the evil and insane.”
“There’s never been a more critical time for all of us fighting for the advancement of Second Amendment rights to work together,” observed Brent Carlton, president of Comm2A. “Our litigation efforts are critically important, but it’s equally important that gun owners be informed and take action every day to oppose those laws which infringe on their rights.” Continued Carlton, “FPC provides an opportunity for Massachusetts gun owners to have an impactful and far-reaching effect, both in terms of their own state’s laws as well as proud Americans who value their federal Constitutional rights.”
“This partnership brings Florida Carry to the forefront of the national public policy debate on private firearms ownership,” said Sean Caranna, Executive Director of Florida Carry, Inc. “As Florida’s largest and most active Second Amendment rights organization, we’re proud to be a part of this coalition and through it extend our grassroots efforts to combat gun control laws in Florida and everywhere.”
IllinoisCarry spokesperson Valinda Rowe added, “IllinoisCarry is pleased to join efforts with the Firearm Policy Coalition. Not only must we actively work toward beating back irrational gun control laws in our home state of Illinois but we must also work toward protecting and preserving our rights on a national level. This would be a daunting task if not for a nationwide coalition of Second Amendment groups like the FPC. We thank the FPC for creating this opportunity to work together, coast to coast across the nation. Together, we can stand up to those who would strip us of our Constitutional rights and insure the Second Amendment remains strong for many generations to come.”
“Over the past two decades, many states have used common sense and protected the civil liberties of their residents, such as through permit-less and accessible shall-issue firearm carry laws,” said Chris Baker, president of Hawaii Defense Foundation. “However, some states just can’t seem to grasp the plain meaning of the Constitution. To those states, we say this: we will fight hard together, we will fight smart together, and we will win together. That is exactly what we and the Firearms Policy Coalition will do.”
“While Texas residents may not face the same gun law challenges as those in Massachusetts, California, or Illinois, all Texans are Americans first and know that gun control laws anywhere are an affront to liberty everywhere,” commented Gary Burris, president of Lone Star Shooting Association. “We’re proud to join with FPC and work cooperatively to secure our fundamental rights so that law-abiding gun owners can exercise their rights across our great state and country, in Texas and in Toledo.”
“Firearms Policy Coalition has reached millions of Americans since launching in December and we’re looking forward to reaching millions more,” said FPC’s Combs. “The overwhelmingly positive reaction to our message of civil rights and the facts about gun control really drives home how much Americans value their freedom. These new FPC member organizations are key to ensuring that the Second Amendment means what it says.”
“While some power-hungry politicians want nothing more than to undermine the Second Amendment and important legal decisions like Heller and McDonald, we’re confident that the Constitution provides the best policy: the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not – and must not – be infringed.”
Gun rights organizations interested in joining the Coalition should contact FPC at or through the contact form at
FPC’s robust grassroots action tools to engage Congress and the President on proposed gun laws are available at More information about FPC can be found at FPC’s Facebook page is located at and its Twitter feed can be viewed at
Firearms Policy Coalition ( is a project of the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms (CCRKBA), California Association of Federal Firearms Licensees (CAL-FFL), the Second Amendment Foundation (SAF), and The Calguns Foundation (CGF). FPC offers an agile, effective, and scalable vehicle for advocacy, education, and grassroots action to advance Second Amendment civil rights.
The Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms ( is dedicated to protecting your firearms rights. Its role is to educate grass root activists, the public, legislators and the media. CCRKBA’s programs are designed to help all Americans understand the importance of the Second Amendment and its role in keeping Americans free.
Commonwealth Second Amendment ( is a grassroots civil rights organization dedicated to promoting a better understanding of rights guaranteed by the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution. Our activities include educational programs designed to promote a better understanding of Massachusetts and Federal firearms laws and rights as well as programs to defend and protect the civil rights of Massachusetts gun owners.
Hawaii Defense Foundation ( was chartered to protect and defend the Second Amendment of the United States and Hawaii Constitution, provide safety and education training on firearms, and help empower Americans with the knowledge and understanding of the rights guaranteed by the Constitution.  HDF advocates for all civil liberties, and is currently engaged in Federal litigation regarding the Second and First Amendments.
IllinoisCarry ( reaches thousands of pro-Second Amendment citizens with email alerts and legislative actions. In addition to other efforts, IllinoisCarry helps find legal counsel for those whose Second Amendment rights have been violated. Illinois Gun Owner Lobby Day (IGOLD), which is co-sponsored by IllinoisCarry, drew over 8,000 Illinois gun owners from across the state to Springfield to march in our yearly parade and engage their elected officials in 2012.
Florida Carry, Inc. ( is a non-profit, non-partisan, grassroots organization dedicated to advancing the fundamental civil right of all Floridians to keep and bear arms for self-defense as guaranteed by the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution and Article I Section 8 of the Florida Constitution. Florida Carry works tirelessly toward repealing and striking down ill-conceived gun control laws that have been proven to provide safe havens to criminals and be deadly to law abiding citizens.
Lone Star Shooting Association ( was founded by a group of American and European shooters to build a tool for public and political awareness used to spread legal, responsible possession of firearms and the right to use firearms in a practical manner suitable for self defense. LSSA funds projects for the preservation of gun rights around the world.

Brandon Combs


Civil War no less..?

January 25, 2013

Within the last two weeks the forces of the progressive, ultra-liberal cabal have managed to amass a coordinated front to attack and render null and void the gun rights of average citizens as protected by the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. Gun rights enthusiasts say that such actions will provoke civil war.

Today, these forces appear to be simultaneously unleashing their attack on all fronts, from attempting to prevent citizens from gaining access to brass for the purpose of making their own ammunition to the push by leftwing extremists to bully banks into refusing to give loans to gun manufacturers, effectively putting gun makers out of business.

Further, Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., introduced her so-called “assault weapons ban” bill Thursday, which actually bans much more than semiautomatic rifles. The bill goes after handguns, shotguns, and ammunition as well. It also sets a federal limit on the number of rounds each citizen can legally possess.

Gun rights groups across the country, which are not known for extremism but for representing citizens from every walk of life, from Democrat to Republican, liberal to conservative, the non-religious to Christian, have warned repeatedly that should the federal government launch this type of attack on the gun rights of citizens, outright civil war would ensue.

That warning was no mere idle threat. The citizens in the heartland are angry, fired up, and ready to defend their Constitution and their rights. The battle lines are being drawn now. This nation stands closer to armed conflict between its own citizens as never before since the Civil War of the 1860s.

The laws being proposed currently will automatically criminalize millions of law-abiding citizens who own the types of guns the government wishes to ban. For example, the handgun of choice for most women and homeowners are the semiautomatic variety made by Sig Sauer, Kel-Tec, and other brands that fire multiple rounds quickly.

And if citizens refuse to comply like sheep with the direct tyrannical assault on our rights, apparently the Obama administration has every intention of using force against our own citizens if they resist turning over their guns and registering the guns they are allowed to keep.

A rumor has been floating around Washington concerning a new mandate the Obama administration allegedly implemented that would require military personnel to state, up front, that they are willing to open fire upon American citizens on our own soil if ordered to do so.

In addition, National Gun Rights Examiner David Codrea reported today a most disturbing story out of Fort Drum, N.Y. indicating that the military installation is destroying used ammunition brass, rendering it useless for citizens to purchase in what is known as “reloading” — the practice of making homemade ammunition using expended brass.

The administration attempted this once before and was ordered by Congress to stop. The practice is also against the law, but the installation apparently is still engaging in the practice.

Thus, a united front has amassed on the Left that is determined to shove gun bans, gun registration, and gun and ammo control down the throats of citizens who have always operated under the assumption that “the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.”

How many infringements will it take to get clear-headed, patriotic citizens to rise up and demand that the government cease and desist? It appears that such a time has come.


Gutting our Second Amendment rights: epic fail obama

January 17, 2013

Modified from an email.

Earlier today, President Obama and his anti-gun pals unveiled their plans to GUT our Second Amendment rights.

The list of new schemes goes on seemingly forever, but the most outrageous are exactly what I’ve been fearing . . .

The gun-grabbers are going for broke, including:

*** RAMMING into law the new Feinstein Gun Ban, and banning magazines that hold more than 10 rounds.

Far more draconian than the earlier ban, the new Feinstein Gun Ban and the Magazine Ban demonizes guns for looking “scary” and targets rifles, shotguns and even handguns.

These new bans are NOT likely to include grandfather clauses, and they might even go for out-right confiscation.

*** FORCING through Congress a new national gun registration scheme under the guise of “background checks.”

There’s simply no way to enforce a ban on private transfers without government bureaucrats knowing exactly who owns what weapons.

*** A new “mental health” denial system using “ObamaCare’s” nationalized healthcare system to begin snooping on gun owners.

One Surgeon General estimated 46.4% of Americans will have mental health issues at some point in their lives!

So make no mistake, this is designed EXPLICITLY to allow the federal government to strip ANY law-abiding citizen they want — including military veterans — of their Second Amendment rights on a whim.

In fact, the so-called “mental health” and the “background check” national gun registration system may be where this fight is headed . . .

More than even an outright ban on certain types of firearms, nothing gets anti-gun activists like Sarah Brady more excited than the ability to demonize certain gun features and register and trace guns and gun owners.

That’s because she and her antigun pals — like New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg — understand these are the first steps toward outright gun confiscation in America.

They’re putting up smoke and mirrors to throw American citizens off track.

But registration, bans and ultimately confiscation are really what President Obama’s “mental health” initiative and his so-called “background check” national gun registration schemes are all about.

So if you want to protect your gun rights, you and I are going to have to be ready for anything.

Please TAKE ACTION NOW and call your Congressman and Senators at 202-224-3121 and demand they oppose Obama’s gun control agenda at every opportunity.

For Freedom,

Dudley Brown
Executive Vice President

Begging for Bucks

Biden Proposals Include Framework for Gun Registry and Confiscation… Go figure!

January 15, 2013
Up to 50-80% of all guns in circulation could be covered
Press reports now make it clear what Vice President Joe Biden’s gun control package will look like. Biden wants to impose:
* A Feinstein-like semi-auto ban which, according to experts who have done the counting, could ban up to 50% of all long guns currently in circulation and up to 80% of all handguns. Incidentally, if you wanted to keep the AR-15 you currently have, you would have to have a 6-month FBI background check, be fingerprinted, and get a machine gun-type license.
* The framework for national gun registration and confiscation by requiring every gun transaction to have a Brady Check.
* Supposed “toughening” of anti-gun trafficking measures, but without doing anything about the man responsible for allowing more gun trafficking than any other American — Attorney General Eric Holder (with his Fast and Furious program).
Let us backtrack and explain a couple of things: Increasingly ATF is going into gun dealers and xeroxing all of the 4473’s. This is illegal under McClure-Volkmer, but, in case you hadn’t noticed, Obama is increasingly ignoring the law when it inconveniences him.
Thus, if every gun transaction in America must have a Brady Check, every gun in America could presumably be fed into a national registration system by ATF by simply copying the 4473’s.
New York Governor Andrew Cuomo -– a man who gives you a pretty good idea of where gun control is going -– said, on the front page of the New York Times, that “confiscation” of firearms is an option. Obviously, having a registration list makes such a task much easier.
But what about so-called large-capacity magazines? Well, Republicans like Georgia’s Phil Gingrey have talked about the possibility of banning them. However, there are many problems with this.
First of all, millions of gun owners own these magazines for defensive purposes. To take away a homeowner’s right to choose these devices will simply make honest citizens less safe — especially, when they are facing multiple attackers.
Moreover, police have sometimes had to fire 20-30 rounds to finally stop just one drug-crazed individual from shooting. This just underscores why, quite often, good guys will need more than just six-shooters.
Second, there are tens of millions of high-capacity magazines in circulation. What are you going to do about them?
Third, changing magazines (or switching guns) is not a big deal for people like Adam Lanza.
Fourth — and perhaps most important –- this is a game the anti-gun zealots have played before: They threaten to kill the Second Amendment, and then negotiate their way back to “merely” eviscerating it.
Fifth this, in addition to the lifetime ban for less than felony’s that includes ex post facto law is an assault on the American people!
Or put another way, they threaten to shoot us in the head to get us to agree to cutting off our fingers.
The only way that America’s gun owners are going to have peace over the next decade is to stop ALL gun control -– as we did after Columbine –- and then defeat compromising legislators running for reelection in 2014.
ACTION: Click here to contact your Senators and Congressmen. Demand that they oppose ALL gun control — including magazine limitations and universal background (registration) checks — being proposed by the Biden commission.

Musings After Midnight–I’ll see you in the war: Civil War II–Notes on the coming calamity to restore the Constitution

January 13, 2013

Good morning, dear Patriots, and welcome. The news is dire and the time is short. So, let’s get right down to business.

It is my firm belief that civil war is now inevitable and imminent in America. As with the two world wars of the early 20th century, this will be “Civil War II“–which addresses issues the first Civil War failed to address.

Never before in modern history has there been so much talk even among elected government officials that we stand on the cusp of “insurrection,” “a revolutionary uprising,” and a “war between citizens on our own soil.”

Yet here we are. Even Charles Krauthammer, who is not given to hyperbolic engagement in hysterics, stated that if the Obama Administration proceeds with its gun control plans, there will be insurrection.

And a trusted friend of mine who has significant friends and contacts both inside and outside the government has indicated that war is near and that many militia groups are now poised to fight it. “Let’s get this over and done now so our children and grandchildren won’t have to,” is the sentiment being expressed.

If it were only the gun issue plaguing the current ruling class, civil war probably could be avoided with a simple step or two to back off draconian new gun control laws and gun bans, abandoning plans to register ammo purchases, and focusing instead on sensible security measures for the nation’s children. Guns are used to protect the president, congressmen and senators, government officials, banks, money, and Hollywood stars.

Why not the children?

The answer is simple. To seriously protect the children the leviathans would have to admit that ordinary citizens need the unfettered right to keep and bear arms, as our Founders guaranteed in the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. This they are not willing to do. In their warped world view the people are not to be trusted with guns. Only the elites, the rich, the political ruling class, and the police and military should have access to guns.

King George and the British could not have said it better in the days leading up to the Revolutionary War in 1776.

But guns are not the only issue that has led America to the brink of civil war.

This president has told too many lies, exhibited too much unbridled arrogance, and overstepped the Constitutional limits on his power too often on a number of issues to be let off the hook. So have his enablers in Congress, most of whom are Democrats, although a few Republicans have helped him as well.

Fact 1: Obama won reelection with barely over 50% of the vote. His opponent won over 49% of the vote. This is hardly a “mandate.” He does not have a blank check. But he acts like it. He thinks he is King. He acts like a dictator in the tradition of Hitler and Stalin who should be given anything he wants. He is like a big baby who never grew up and is sitting in his high chair banging on the table throwing tantrums. Any American president who displays such qualities does not deserve the office. He should be forcibly removed.

Fact 2: Obama lied to Speaker John Boehner on the debt negotiations. He told him in good faith prior to the election that he would compromise on his demands for tax increases, and accept four dollars in spending reductions for every dollar in tax increases. After the election, Obama changed the goal posts in mid stream. No longer would he settle for $800,000 in tax increases, but he demanded 2.7 trillion in tax hikes. And he insisted that any spending reductions be put off until later.

This is not a quality of good leadership, trustworthiness, or moral integrity. He is unfit for the office. In a different era he would be likened to a sleazy card shark on a Mississippi river boat. While some may admire such a person’s ability to outmaneuver opponents using dishonest tricks of the trade, is this a quality we admire or want in a president? Really?

Fact 3: Obama wants to be able to increase the debt ceiling any time he wants, in any amount he wants, without the approval of Congress. Congress resisted that one, but now comes word that he will likely use the 14th Amendment to the Constitution to seize the power to be absolute dictator over the debt and spending. The amendment has never been used in such a fashion in U.S. history. But my sources say he is willing to go down that trail, opening up a plethora of legal challenges that will be tied up in the courts for years. In the meantime, Obama will spend the nation into complete bankruptcy with nobody in Congress or the Courts to stop him. They have shown they don’t have the guts.

Patriots have the guts. He must not be allowed to do this, period.

Fact 4: Now that he has been reelected, Obama is appointing the most radical rejects he can find to top cabinet posts. John Kerry at State? Chuck Hagel at Defense? Jack Lew at Treasury? These are absolute clowns, buffoons who should not be serving anywhere in government at all. Each lie through their teeth. They are anti-military, anti-Jew, and anti-fiscal responsibility. And he expects the Senate to roll over and approve these lightweight Leftwing nutcases to the government. Woe be unto us if he gets to nominate new Supreme Court justices.

Republicans had best get in block mode and deny to Obama anyone and everyone he nominates. His choices exhibit a lack of competence and a deep disdain for America and its Constitution. This is why any Supreme Court nominee he sends to the Senate must be BLOCKED, even if it means tying up the Senate in endless filibusters. At all costs he must not be allowed to get whoever he wants in these important offices.

Fact 5: Obama is threatening to use the “executive order” to accomplish what Congress denies him…an abuse of the original intent of the executive order. This would amount to an outright dictatorship that bypasses elected officials in Congress. Such an act in matters of clear Constitutional precedent indicating the need for due process would amount to tyranny, a high crime under the Constitution, and punishable by whatever the Congress deems appropriate, up to and including the death penalty.

Will our castrated Republican leadership do anything about it if Obama goes down this path? I doubt it. That means only one thing, and you know what I am talking about…a citizen posse that will make arrests according to the terms of the 10th Amendment and others. Perhaps it is also time for the citizens to empower the Citizen Grand Jury, given that the judicial branch of government is failing in its duty to uphold the Constitution. The 10th Amendment, thus, gives THE PEOPLE the power to take action in such a circumstance.

Thus, while the gun issue is the proverbial straw that broke the camel’s back, there are a number of issues driving the current unrest in the heartland of America. In short, we have had quite enough of Barack Obama and all who enable him to take unlawful and unconstitutional actions, and that includes Democrats in Congress, the Courts, and even 50% of our fellow citizens. Our patience has run thin with you for your willful ignorance, your willingness to sell your soul for a government payoff, your lack of basic values and common decency, and your practice of incessantly violating time-honored Constitutional principles that put clear limits on government and how far the “majority” can go. Unalienable rights are not subject to a majority vote.

I fully expect, therefore, that war will break out on our own soil in 2013, unless something drastic is done to reign in the arrogance of Obama and the Washington ruling establishment. These people must be stopped by the process that has been put in place to do so, or else the citizens will take matters into their own hands.

The official line in the sand is the gun issue. And thus, I have some definitive declarations that need to be considered by the powers that be before they go off on an unconstitutional rampage on the rights of the people.

1. We will not comply with any new gun control law.

2. We will not turn in any firearm that you suddenly decide to be “illegal.” They are illegal only in your own delusional minds.

3. In the event you limit ammunition or require us to register to get it, we will create the biggest black market in the history of the world. We can make our own ammunition.

4. We will not comply with any new gun bans. We can make our own guns as well, even the type you wish to take from us.

5. The attempt to gain entrance to our homes to confiscate our guns and ammunition will be considered an act of war. We will not comply. Be prepared to kill us if you do such an asinine thing in what is supposed to be a FREE country. But then, also be aware that you will pay a heavy price for perpetrating such tyranny.

6. We will never fire on tyrannical government personnel first. But if we are  fired upon first, you had best be prepared to live with what follows. War is hell.

7. Never again will we allow you to perpetrate a Waco, Texas massacre on citizens merely for trying to practice their religion, though unpopular. And we will never again allow you to pull a Ruby Ridge without swift, severe consequences.

One hundred million citizens own and keep 300 million firearms of various types. Do you honestly believe you have a chance to overwhelm us? Even if only three percent of the 100 million engage in battle, that’s three million citizens — nothing to sneeze at.

The citizen militia in the 1770s defeated the most powerful army in the world at the time — the British army that presided over a worldwide empire.

And don’t think that Civil War I is any indication of government power in this. The situation was entirely different. Southerners at the very outset were in a weakened position. Poverty was rampant. They were at a clear disadvantage.

This time, it won’t be one region of the country pitted against another region. Patriot gun owners live in all 50 states, and the three percent are scattered throughout America. That means that if you are in Maine or Massachusetts, your neighbor may be one of the three percent who will fight you and the federal jackbooted government thugs.

And if any one of us is arrested, murdered, or harmed in any way in order to make an example of us, you had best beware and be prepared to go into hiding. Three million angry gun owners will rise up in defiance of your deadly tyranny and teach you a lesson that will go down in history as a definitive moment in our nation.

These words of mine are meant to force the powers that be to think twice and pause indefinitely before they embark on any action that will culminate in such violence in our streets. Mine is but a warning, a word to the wise. You need to know what’s coming. And you need to rethink your current course of action.

We are dead serious. We are not going to allow you to blame us for what one idiotic, crazed lunatic does illegally with guns he obtained illegally. Do something to actually secure the schools rather than widow dress with a red herring (gun control and bans), and address the problem of the criminals and the lunatics. But leave the rest of us the hell alone. Or else…


Anthony Martin is certainly one of the most talented writers of our day, and that is just one reason why The Liberty Sphere has had a sidebar link here for years!


Civil War or Revolution?

January 12, 2013

It all became academic when the big government authoritarians decided that the time was ripe to disarm those that they laird it over. Mob rule, also known as political correctness and democracy has raised it’s populist ugly head against our republic. The Bill of Rights means nothing any longer. Sure, the current debate is about the Second Amendment but that’s simply a cover. Just look at how the entire Bill of Rights has been whittled away over the years with the blessings of the Supreme Court.

The electorate in general no longer respects the oath taken to protect and defend the Constitution. Rather they by and large do their best to chip away freedom and liberty since the don’t have the courage to force a Constitutional Convention. Cut the lies and admit that what their doing is no less than the commission or treason. Legal definitions be damned! No more squirming around by better than thou attorney types call it what it is.

How many as a percentage brought about freedom from the British? I have read that it was as low as three percent up to twenty percent. The point being that it was not very many. There are a lot more now, and those people are angry, very angry.

While many of the treasonous leaders of these not so United States are plotting the over through of the foundations that made this nation the envy of the world others are quietly forming actual militia’s with the full blown intention of destroying those that wish to destroy the enemies those that prefer freedom. Not simply the outlaws in the Senate and House of Representatives but organizations such as the  Southern Positive Law Center as many groups that hate liberty.

An actual civil war or full full blown revolution is about to unfold. The neo- conservatives and neo-communists will the ones that will to be the ones that brought the blood baths. People are sick of talk and negotiation that just chips away the rights and liberty that belong of the people.

Time will tell to be sure when it comes to just will happen.


2013 WyGO backed legislation:

January 9, 2013
Regulation of firearms-state preemption.
This is crucial legislation — it stops the threat from local government officials to strip your right to self defense at the local level.

Firearm Protection Act.
This legislation is the answer to the Obama/Feinstein Gun-Grab, protect the Second Amendment at the state level by making anticipated D.C. gun control unenforceable in Wyoming.

Citizens’ and Students’ Self-Defense Act.

This is the only thing that will stop blood thirsty criminals that choose to prey on innocent victims. This is the first step to abolish gun free zones in Wyoming.

Please take the time to email a special thanks to Representative Allen Jaggi and Representative Kendell Kroeker for being true Second Amendment Champions!

Just a simple – “Thank You” – will suffice.



I’ll be speaking live on the Glenn Woods radio show AM-1270 (Gillette) at approx 8am Jan 9th, Wednesday morning.

Thanks to modern technology you can see and hear me live on Web-TV at — I’ll be speaking about our current legislation and how YOU can get involved.

With all the chatter from the rabid gun control politicians about a new weapons ban, a high capacity magazine ban and a national registration scheme…

Now add gun-hating bureaucrats right here in Wyoming…the constant threats to your right to self defense seem never ending.

I certainly believe 2013 will be one of the most challenging years that you and I will have since we’ve been fighting for freedom in Cheyenne.

I’ll be speaking live on the Glenn Woods radio show AM-1270 (Gillette) at approx 8am Jan 9th, Wednesday morning.

Thanks to modern technology you can see and hear me live on Web-TV at — I’ll be speaking about our current legislation and how YOU can get involved.

Edited from:

To Liberty,


Anthony Bouchard
   Executive Director
Wyoming Gun Owners
The general session of the state legislature starts Wednesday January 8th — If you haven’t done so already,please consider donating to Wyoming Gun Owners today.