Posts Tagged ‘Senate’

House Leadership Ignores Gun Owners, this is why you never trust a RINO!

December 4, 2013
Slams through Plastic Gun Ban Reauthorization

The battle continues, and now moves to the Senate

“There is opposition to changing existing law from conservative lawmakers and gun rights groups such as Gun Owners of America.” — USA Today, December 3, 2013


Someone once said that the only thing anyone ever learns from history is that no one ever learns anything from history.

Straight from bumbling the shut down, the House leadership yesterday, by a voice vote, slammed through a straight ten-year reauthorization of the poorly drafted 1988 plastic gun ban.

Read GOA’s oped on this subject in this morning’s USA Today.

At least, argue House Republicans, this “straight authorization” of a bad law will prohibit New York Democrat Chuck Schumer from using the reauthorization as a vehicle to enact new, more extensive gun control.


But the House leadership has now handed Schumer a legislative vehicle for passing his gun control.  This means he and Harry Reid could choose to take their ban on 3-D printer guns -– which, by the way, would also ban many metal gun manufacturers -– and send it back to the House.

Just hours after the House reauthorized the anti-gun law, Schumer held a press event in support of expanding the plastic gun ban.

If they do this, then Boehner and his leadership team will once again be swimming in a river of pain –- inflicted by a liberal media that finally sees an opportunity for passing its much-desired gun control agenda.

So the first thing we’re doing is to organize a Senate filibuster of any Schumer effort to pass and/or expand the House bill.

Given that the Senate is currently bogged down in a fight over the defense authorization legislation, we may be able to make it very difficult for Schumer to use the House-passed bill as a vehicle for new gun control.

So please stay tuned.  We thank you for all your activism up to this point.  But just realize that this battle is not over yet.


Meanwhile, GOA Director of Communications Erich Pratt authored the Opposing View this morning in USA Today.

Among other things, Pratt argued that the plastic gun ban is an unconstitutional infringement of our liberties that is not only ineffective, but could eventually be expanded by an anti-gun administration to ban even more guns.

But what about the issue of smuggling guns onto planes?

Pratt says that renewing a ban on plastic firearms will “not stop criminals from making them or stealing them,” any more than Chicago’s gun restrictions have been effective in stopping shootings there.

Not only that, says Pratt, “smuggling guns onto planes will still be against the law, with or without a plastic gun ban.” And airport X-ray machines will still be able to detect them.

Bottom line, says Pratt, Congress solved the problem of terrorists carrying weapons onto planes after 9/11 — not through additional gun bans, but by “allowing pilots to use guns to defend themselves and their passengers.”

Again, you can read the entire column here.


UN GUN CONTROL; It’s back, we told you it would be. Gun Owners of America fights back.

October 10, 2013
Senator Moran Circulates Letter to Repudiate
the UN Small Arms Treaty

“[GOA’s Larry] Pratt also contends that the U.N. has a terrible track record in protecting human life. He said the horrors in Rwanda are a perfect example of why the U.N. has no business deciding who should and should not have access to guns.” — WorldNetDaily, June 2013

When you’re dealing with an adversary who hates the 2nd Amendment as much as Barack Obama, you have to fight attacks coming from several different directions.

We know we’ve thrown a lot at you lately. But there’s one other issue we’d like to bring to your attention.

As you know, the Obama administration recently signed the virulently anti-gun UN Arms Trade Treaty (ATT).

Although purporting to regulate international trade in arms, the treaty empowers anti-gun administrations (such as Barack Obama’s) to institute internal gun control, including gun bans, gun registration, and more.  In fact, the drafters of the treaty made no secret of their goal of imposing measures such as microstamping on countries like the United States.

GOA’s legislative counsel has done a word-by-word analysis of the treaty, which can be seen here.  If left unchecked, the treaty language will give rise a wide ranging series of gun control restrictions, as mentioned above.

Plus, it is entirely possible that, under the Supreme Court cases of Missouri v. Holland and Reid v. Covert, Obama could implement these restrictions without further legislation.  After all, we’ve already seen the President do an end-around Congress by issuing over 20 executive actions this year.

Gun owners will rightfully counter that the UN — or the Congress or President for that matter — has NO AUTHORITY to impose any of these gun restrictions upon us.  And those gun owners would be absolutely correct!

But if the President begins illegally implementing the UN treaty “by executive fiat” — just as he has done through other executive actions — then good people will go to jail for resisting these efforts and will have to defend their rights in court for simply exercising rights that were given to them by God.

This is why we have to raise a holy fuss right now, and thankfully, there are efforts underway in the Senate to do just that.

Earlier this year, with our support, an amendment offered by Senator James Inhofe (R-OK) to defund the ATT passed the Senate by a vote of 53-46. But that vote never became law.

Now, Senator Moran (R-KS) is circulating a letter calling upon the administration to withdraw its support of the treaty. A copy of that letter can be seen here.

The Moran letter raises six problems with the treaty that should be alarming, even to Senators who are not strongly pro-gun. These include the fact that the ATT was slammed through without consensus … it’s ambiguous … and it can be amended (and made even more restrictive) by the other nations which are parties to the treaty.

ACTION:  Click here to contact your Senators. Ask them to sign the Moran letter in opposition to the UN Arms Trade Treaty.

Cowards and Liberals and RINO’s Oh My!

August 7, 2013

Cowards can find a thousand reasons for not doing what they’re afraid to do.

After staging 38 votes to repeal the anti-gun ObamaCare law — and having Harry Reid throw their bills in the wastebasket 38 times — House and Senate Republicans now have a chance to force ObamaCare repeal right down Harry Reid’s throat.

The only question is whether or not they have the courage.

Gun owners have opposed ObamaCare since its inception, given that a national health database could be used by federal bureaucrats to disarm millions of law-abiding Americans.  The use of medical data has already been used to disarm gun owners in New York — and has led to more than 150,000 military veterans losing their gun rights for ailments such as PTSD.

This law must be defunded prior to October 1, when two things happen:

* The first is that the “health care exchanges” are supposed to come on line. People — and particularly young people — will find out how much money they’re going to have to flush down the toilet for inflated politically correct premiums, under penalty of law.

* The second thing that happens on October 1 is that much of the federal government will “slow down” — not shut down as has been erroneously reported — unless a funding bill called a “Continuing Resolution,” or CR for short, is approved. For better or worse, most of the federal government will continue to operate as usual, and all “essential” discretionary functions will continue as well.

But there’s one thing that’s definitely “not essential,” and that’s ObamaCare.

In the Senate, Republican Mike Lee of Utah sent a letter to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid on behalf of almost a dozen colleagues, stating that they will not support a Continuing Resolution that funds the implementation of the anti-gun ObamaCare law.

In the House, Rep. Steve Stockman introduced H.Res. 333 on Friday — a resolution that, if passed, would forbid the House of Representatives from passing a CR that funds ObamaCare.

So to recap the bidding: On the very day that the American people flip their lids over this wildly unpopular ObamaCare mandate, Republicans have the opportunity to stage a showdown. And if they win, ObamaCare goes down the tubes, along with the rest of Barack Obama’s agenda.

So, given that option, why would the GOP not want to pursue it?  Just listen to what a few Republican senators have said recently:

* Senator Richard Burr (R-NC) said that using the CR to defund ObamaCare is the “dumbest thing I’ve ever heard.”

* Senator Bob Corker (R-TN) said that, “I think it’s a silly effort.”

* Senator Tom Coburn (R-OK) said this was the “dumbest idea” he had ever heard.

* And Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) said the effort was “a bridge too far for me.”

Despite these acts of cowardice, the American people are firmly behind Congress doing something to defang this anti-gun law.

According to a CNN poll, 73% of the American people favor repealing ObamaCare, either fully or partially (March 2012).  So given the widespread opposition to this anti-gun law, why are many GOP legislators balking at this opportunity to drive a stake through its ugly heart?

There are at least five misrepresentations that some Republicans are using to justify their cowardice on ObamaCare.  Click here to see what these misstatements are and how they can be easily answered.

ACTION: Contact your Senators and Representatives. Tell them to insist that NO Continuing Resolution to fund the government contain money for the ObamaCare individual mandate.  Take these three actions right away:

1. Click here to contact your Senators and Representatives.  Urge your Senators to sign onto the Lee letter and your Representative to sign onto the Stockman resolution (H.Res. 333).  You can also call your legislators using the Capitol Switchboard at 202-224-3121.

2. Distribute this alert to all your family, friends and co-workers and encourage them all to take action.

3. Be sure to visit your legislators in person at any Town Hall meetings they schedule this month during their August break.  You can contact their offices (at 202-224-3121) to find out when they’ll be hosting a Town Hall meeting in your area.

Lose all your Guns before 2035 under the Amnesty Bill before the Senate

June 9, 2013
We’ve written you before about the immigration amnesty bill that will be debated on the Senate floor beginning June 10.
We had just been through a hard fight to stop gun bans and registration.  And some of you may have even felt the immigration amnesty was not a “gun” issue.
But if the amnesty bill is passed, within 20 years, Washington could be as anti-gun as Albany, Hartford, and Sacramento.
This is because the bill will create at least 11,500,000 new citizens — but probably closer to 20,000,000 — and, if history is any guide, they will vote 71% of the time for far Left Democrats like Barack Obama.
Impartial analysts have determined that Florida, Colorado, Nevada, and probably Arizona will never vote for Republicans again. Given this, for the rest of your life, the White House will be occupied by someone who is just as anti-gun and just as liberal as Barack Obama.
Conservatives in the Senate think that they can woo new immigrants to their side of the aisle. But it is informative that, after the last amnesty bill (the 1986 Simpson-Mazzoli bill signed by Ronald Reagan), those people given citizenship were LESS LIKELY to vote for more conservative and constitutional candidates.
Currently, the two political parties nationally, stand in a delicate political balance. Mitt Romney lost the presidency by 334,000 votes in four states (Florida, Ohio, Virginia and New Hampshire).
So if you add a net gain of almost 8.5 million Obama voters to the electorate, the same amnesty that turned California “blue” will probably turn the whole country anti-gun as well.
Already, the calls for gun confiscation in “blue” and “purple” states are growing louder and louder:
  • New York Governor Andrew Cuomo said that “confiscation could be an option” after the Sandy Hook shooting;
  • Likewise, an Iowa legislator said that we need to “start taking” guns from law-abiding gun owners;
  • This year, legislation in both Minnesota and Missouri would have (if enacted) forced residents to cough up their high-capacity magazines and many of their semi-automatic firearms;
  • And legislators in New Jersey were recently caught on an open microphone saying that “we needed a bill that was going to confiscate, confiscate, confiscate.”
By 2035, the battle will no longer be about stopping the expansion of background checks.  Most likely, it will be about stopping the government from coming to take your guns away. And there is nothing we will be able to do about it.
ACTION: Click here to contact your Senators and urge them to vote against the anti-gun immigration amnesty bill.

Exposing the lies of the Far Left

June 6, 2013
“According to conservative staffers [on Capitol Hill], Gun Owners of America was the most active outside group in early efforts to block all gun control efforts including Toomey-Manchin.” — The Examiner, April 28, 2013
Your GOA has been on the front lines, fighting for your rights.
While the news media has been focusing on several Obama Administration scandals in recent weeks — and rightfully so — don’t for a minute think that efforts to pass gun control in the Senate have died down.
They haven’t.  The truth is that Representatives Pat Toomey (R-PA) and Joe Manchin (D-WV) are still at work — still trying to pull Senators over to their anti-gun side.
Sen. Toomey told the Philadelphia Inquirer recently that he is looking “to bring some more folks on board” — and that if successful, “then of course it would be worth bringing [gun control] up again.”
Both he and Manchin are still at it, trying to twist arms and coerce people over to his side.
Congress is just finishing up its Memorial Day break, so you are encouraged to resume contacting them now that they will soon be getting back to work.  Let them know your approval (or disapproval) of their recent votes in the U.S. Senate.
To this end, GOA has just updated its website to give you the ammunition you need to hold your Senators accountable:
1) Senators’ grades, which include the gun control votes from April.
2) Senators’ votes on the recent gun control provisions.
NOTE:  In regard to the Senate voting records, you can click on the title of each vote to read an explanation of each vote.  And regarding the grades that are posted, you will note that the following Senators saw their grades drop as a result of their recent votes IN FAVOR of gun control:
Jeff Flake (R-AZ)
Saxby Chambliss (R-GA)
Johnny Isakson (R-GA)
Joe Donnelly (D-IN)
Roger Wicker (R-MS)
Dean Heller (R-NV)
Martin Heinrich (D-NM)
Richard Burr (R-NC)
Tom Coburn (R-OK)
Pat Toomey (R-PA)
Joe Manchin (D-WV)
Gun Owners of America has continued to expose the gun grabbers’ lies, and we have continued to lobby House and Senate offices in opposition to gun control.
Your continued support helps keep us in the fight.
And every new person you encourage to sign up for our free email alerts or for a GOA membership gives us a louder voice on Capital Hill.
As noted by the Examiner (above), your GOA was the most active group in blocking gun control.  But that was only possible because of your loud voice backing us up.
As stated by Slate in April:  “While [GOA’s] bank account is relatively paltry … its members often get Tea Party loud, inundating lawmakers’ offices with calls.”
That’s a testimony to your hard work!
So please encourage your pro-gun friends and family to sign up for our alerts at:

Watching a dung beetle drag its “prey” back to its lair: Chuck Schumer

April 26, 2013

“Immigration reform could be a bonanza for Democrats [and] cripple Republican prospects in many states they now win easily.” — Politico, April 22, 2013

In 1984, California was sufficiently conservative so that it cast its electoral votes for President Ronald Reagan. It was not fiercely pro-gun, but, then again, it wasn’t New York.

But, in 1986, Reagan signed an immigration amnesty bill, called Simpson-Mazzoli. The bill was small compared to the current amnesty bill. Three million illegals benefited.

But that was enough to change California from a sometimes “swing state” to a state almost wholly controlled by Leftists. Within 20 years — and continuing to this day — California couldn’t pass enough gun bans, gun registration, ammunition limits, and ammunition registration.

So it is with some concern that Chuck Schumer’s amnesty bill (S. 744) which is currently on the table would cover 11,000,000 to 20,000,000 illegal aliens — four to seven times the size of the Simpson-Mazzoli bill.

We predict that, if the bill is passed, by 2035, the American electorate will have changed so fundamentally that California-style gun control could become a very real possibility in this country!

We know you’re tired. We have just fought a hard-fought battle over explicit gun control in the Senate — a battle which we won.

But it does strike us as interesting that the same gun control crazies who pushed gun control want to slam immigration amnesty through the Senate quickly so they can redirect their fire against us again.

Who are the chief architects of forging a more anti-gun electorate? Well, the chief sponsor of S. 744 is Chuck Schumer, and he is joined by other Second Amendment haters such as Dick Durbin (D-IL), Bob Menendez (D-NJ) and compromiser John McCain (R-AZ).

Over the next week or so, we’ll let you in on some of the anti-gun specifics of Schumer’s “amnesty bill,” as it’s correctly dubbed. But for starters, the bill would push us towards a biometric ID card, which is something that GOA has opposed for years — given that a de facto National ID poses a huge threat to gun owners’ privacy.

But then there’s the fact that Schumer’s “amnesty bill” requires the government to give its okay — in a Brady Gun Check-type procedure — before you could get a private job in America (section 3(c)(2)(A)(iii)). Does anyone not see why this might be a problem?

We’ve just gone through excruciating pain to stop the expansion of Brady Checks for guns. Now we turn around and the same parties who were pushing that are now pushing Brady Checks for private jobs.

It’s ironic that those pushing for background checks are adamantly against ID’s for voting because that would disenfranchise the elderly, the poor, and minorities. Hmm, so they do understand that background checks — as a prior restraint — are a fundamentally flawed concept?

But this is where the real fun starts. You feed the potential employee’s info into a government database and, according to Senator Durbin, “up pops a picture.” And, says Durbin, “if that picture doesn’t match [the one on your ID], you may not be employed.”

The Brady Check deals with a list of names which is in the millions. It deals only with things like names and social security numbers, not pictures. Yet it gives “false negatives” 8% of the time. And if you’re one of those 8% who are illegally denied a gun, the FBI’s response, more often than not, is “So sue us.” If this weren’t bad enough, the system breaks down for days at a time — normally the times when the most people need it.

Do we really want to expand this flawed concept to other areas of our lives?

If this weren’t bad enough, we know that, once the government has to give its approval before you can do something, it’s an almost iron-clad guarantee that it will exercise that power in a political manner. Under the Brady Check system, 165,000 law-abiding honorable veterans have lost their gun rights, not because they have done anything wrong, but because they sought counseling from the VA on the basis of a traumatic experience in the military.

Watching Schumer explain on the Senate floor why those veterans should lose their constitutional rights without any court order — while he vigilantly defends due process for foreign terrorists — is like watching a dung beetle drag its “prey” back to its lair.

So we know 165,000 non-politically correct veterans lost their gun rights under Brady Checks. Who will become politically incorrect unemployable non-persons under Brady Checks for Jobs?

Now, one would think that the fact that one million people in Boston were put under house arrest last week because our current immigration system allowed two asylum-seekers from terrorist-filled Chechnya to become legal residents and, in one case, a citizen of our country, will put the skids on the “inevitability” of Schumer’s amnesty bill. After all, gun control was “inevitable” too.

But the bottom line is this: Just as we saw the gun ramifications of ObamaCare, we will also see the problems with a bill that alters the electorate in such a way that the Second Amendment will cease to exist. In doing so, we will need to make sure that we don’t have most of our guns registered or confiscated in 2035 because short-sighted politicians listened to MSNBC and turned our country blue.

But we will also make sure that we do not take bad gun law and turn it into bad employment law.

ACTION: Click here to contact your Senators and ask them to oppose the anti-gun Schumer amnesty bill (S. 744).

Schumer, like Bloomberg et al seem to be one hundred percent on the wrong side of things one hundred percent of the time!


No deals, No Gun Control; PERIOD!

April 24, 2013

Everyone in Washington, D.C. is looking around nervously, waiting for the next shoe to drop.

No one believes for a second the fight ended when the Senate voted down President Obama’s anti-gun agenda last week.

In fact, I’m now getting word from Capitol Hill insiders, gun control could be back on the Senate calendar as early as the end of this week!

Not only that, but less than 24 hours after the United States Senate defeated the Toomey-Manchin Background Check (NATIONAL GUN REGISTRATION) Bill, House Speaker John Boehner announced the House would also “look at [gun violence].”

That’s why I’m going to ask you to sign a No Gun Control, No Deals petition to your Congressman in just a moment.

But first let me explain exactly what we’re facing.

If there’s one thing you and I have learned during the first five years of the Obama presidency, it’s that he’ll do whatever it takes to get his way.

Twisting rules. Twisting arms. Threatening and demonizing the opposition. Effectively bribing Members of Congress with schemes like the “Cornhusker Kickback.”

You name it.

And he’s already stated he has much more in store, saying, “I see this as just round one.”

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid stated ominously, “It is only a matter of time.”

Of course facts don’t matter to gun-grabbers, they will say anything to get their way.

After Boston’s terror attack, gun-grabbers claimed that the terrorists used guns without going through Massachusetts’ registration scheme proves we need a national gun registration system. Up is down in the gun-grabbers’ world.

And as Wednesday’s amendment votes showed, perhaps the greatest threat on our plate right now is so-called “anti-trafficking” legislation — or better-named, the ATF Witch Hunt Bill.

If passed, the ATF Witch Hunt Bill would impose harsh sentences on gun owners — up to 20 years in prison — for buying a firearm to sell or give to a “prohibited person.”

So just buying a shotgun for a son returning home from Afghanistan so you can spend some time in the woods hunting like the old days could be enough to land you in jail for 20 years.

Already, 100,000 veterans are banned from owning guns because they sought help for stress after returning from war.

And since Barack Obama just issued an Executive Order calling on Attorney General Eric Holder to “review categories of individuals prohibited from having a gun,” the definition of “prohibited” could change any day.

Under ATF Witch Hunt legislation, it doesn’t matter if you know whether someone is a “prohibited person” or not — you’re going to prison either way.

The only way for law-abiding Second Amendment supporters to ultimately prove their innocence would be if every firearms transfer is signed off on by the federal government — paving the way for a national gun registry.

And you and I both know, so-called “gun registration” is the first step toward TOTAL GUN CONFISCATION!

This legislation was defeated by only two votes in the Senate!

And in the House, a Republican — Scott Rigell of Virginia — has introduced similar legislation with Democrat Carolyn Maloney of New York.

It could hardly work out more perfectly for the gun-grabbers.

After all, as I’ve told you, Senator Reid’s ONLY goal at this point is to get a gun bill — ANY gun bill — through the Senate.

President Obama and his anti-gun allies don’t believe the House will present much of a problem — especially since Speaker Boehner is unashamedly discussing moving a gun control bill of his own, and said he’d “consider” anti-gun legislation Harry Reid rams through the Senate.

Anyone familiar with Washington-speak knows what Speaker Boehner is saying is that all he’ll ask is to just add an amendment or two to whatever bill Harry Reid wants before he passes it . . .

At that point, all bets are off.

The gun-grabbers’ number-one goal in this fight is to get slightly different versions of the same legislation through both chambers of Congress so they can get to an Obama-controlled Conference Committee.

Once they go to Conference Committee, the bill can be dressed up with all kinds of last-minute anti-gun goodies and rammed through both chambers of Congress and to Obama’s desk before you and I know what hit us.

Already this year, Speaker Boehner has passed three bills through the U.S. House against the will of a majority of Republicans.

He just counted on Nancy Pelosi to round up the Democrat votes he needed to get the job done.

But now, with a Republican introducing the House bill, President Obama is virtually assured of getting the “bipartisan” House majority he so desperately wants to pass this bill into law.

In fact, the House could end up “taking the lead!”

That’s why your support today is so critical.

Behind closed doors right now, President Obama, Harry Reid and the rest of the gun-grabbers are turning up the heat to switch the handful of Senate votes they need to strip away more of our Second Amendment rights.

And House movement on gun control could begin any day, as well.

So you and I cannot afford to let up the pressure on Congress for an instant.

Instead, I need to start pressuring key members of BOTH houses of Congress.

That’s why your No Gun Control, No Deals petition is so critical.

For Freedom,

Dudley Brown
Executive Vice President

Requisite begging for bucks notation to keep up the good fight!

April 5, 2013

From Anthony Martin Conservative Examiner.


Good morning, my friends, and welcome to another edition of Musings After Midnight. It has been very cold here in the mountains, foothills, and Piedmont region of the Carolinas. So, pull up a chair and warm yourself by the fire, and have some hot coffee.

I wish I had good news to report to you this morning, but truth is, I do not. In fact, the news is not just bad. It is dismal. But you need to know the truth. You need to be informed about what we face, and that means a sobering, grim assessment of what is ahead.

Those of you who read these pages regularly are aware that ever since Obama and the Democrats in Congress announced their all out assault on the gun rights of citizens in the aftermath of Sandy Hook, I have maintained that we are down to 30 seconds to midnight on the doomsday clock — the hour when the darkness falls on America for perhaps a thousand years.

I must now inform you that we are down to 15 seconds to midnight, and the clock is ticking. In the time since we last spoke, circumstances have changed for the worse. Frankly, I don’t give the nation any hope apart from an all out war to restore the Constitution. I wish with all my heart that it were not so. I am truly grieved by it, and my heart is very heavy.

In spite of the fact that Obama’s attempt to destroy citizens’ rights has been met with numerous roadblocks in Congress, the states, one by one, are falling into the most egregious tyranny. New York, Connecticut, Colorado, and Maryland have passed laws that are clearly unconstitutional and that fly in the face of a clear, absolute declaration in our Constitution that the right of citizens to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. One of those states is going to begin fingerprinting all citizens who purchase firearms and ammo as if they were common criminals.

These acts, these laws, are themselves criminal. The very act of attacking the freedom and liberty of the American people is a criminal act in and of itself. In the best of all possible worlds, the politicians in each of these states who voted in favor of these tyrannical laws would be sitting in jail as we speak, charged with the crime of seeking to deny citizens their Constitutional rights. They are the ones who should be treated as common criminals, the lowest of the low, little small minded tin horn fiefs who are drunk with their own power. Their actions should not be tolerated anywhere by anyone. And they should not be allowed to serve in an elected office no matter what kind of “majority vote” they get. Sometimes, especially in these modern times when imbeciles reign supreme, the majority makes decisions that are too stupid to be valid.

Our Framers stated clearly that when laws are passed that are contrary to the Constitution, those laws are not to be obeyed and the people responsible for passing them are tyrants guilty of crimes along with the people who elected them to office. We don’t have “majority rule” in America nor should we. What we have is a Constitutional Republic based on principles that even the majority cannot negate. As long as the majority adheres to those principles, then well and good. But when they discard those principles, then the majority of voters are just as criminal and tyrannical as the crooked liberty-killers they elect to office. Their decisions are to be viewed as rubbish that do not carry the weight of law or authority. And at that point, the Patriots, the real descendants of Jefferson, Washington, Madison, Franklin, Adams, Henry, and Webster are obligated to defy the majority, disobey the unconstitutional laws passed by the tyrants, and if necessary forcibly remove such tyrants from office.

What does this mean exactly?

It means that I am not obligated to obey any law that directly contradicts the Constitution of the United States. I am not obligated to submit to the authority of tyrants. I do not recognize their authority. They are illegitimate, and therefore, their laws are illegitimate. And if you as a citizen support and enable the work of these tyrants, then you are not my fellow countryman but a traitor worthy of nothing but disdain and derision…and jail. I have exactly ZERO respect for any citizen who supports robbing me of my rights.

Thus, to New York, Connecticut, Colorado, and Maryland, I will say to you that you are are a shameful embarrassment to our country. You are a worthless bundle of mindless sheep being led around by a pied piper into a brave new world that neither recognizes nor affirms that human beings have certain natural unalienable rights, except for what you make up in your demented minds that have been rotted from within, from stem to lobe, by your progressive vision that is based on rank Marxism. You would deny me the right to defend myself with a firearm but turn around and claim that all human beings have a “right” to health insurance, even if you have to force me to pay for it. You are a fool. A despicable, sick, and evil fool.

The situation as it now stands is this. The states are falling into tyranny, clearly, blatantly, and arrogantly defying a direct statement in our Constitution that protects the right of all citizens to defend themselves with firearms. Barack Obama and his feminized, kept man with a rich wife, otherwise known as “Lurch” John Kerry, have approved the U.N. Small Arms Treaty that reaches down into our sovereign nation, grabs it by the throat, and requires it to regulate firearms. And in the Senate, some Republicans are standing perched and ready, like the deadly, menacing fowl sitting on powerlines ready to swoop down to slaughter their human prey, as depicted in Hitchcock’s “The Birds,” to help their Democrat counterparts pass a stringent assault on private property rights by requiring private gun sales, citizen to citizen, to be subject to background checks.

You had best be watching potential traitors such as McCain, Graham, Murkowski, Portman, Corker, Alexander, Kirk, Collins, Flake, Toomey, and Ayotte very closely on this. They will sell us out in a heartbeat if we do not keep up immense pressure on them to resist any and all gun control measures, including this sham and ruse of “universal background checks,” which is nothing but a backdoor method of registration, a national database, and eventually, confiscation.

Party affiliation is meaningless in this matter. It should be noted that in the blue states that passed unlawful restrictions on gun rights, Republicans helped the Democrat majority in those states pass these laws.

Frankly, I don’t care one whit about Party here. I have seen the truth about some things, and it ain’t pretty. In the Senate there are only six Republicans I have one ounce of respect for. I have ZERO respect for any Democrat. In the House, I can respect and affirm 40 to 50 Republicans at the most. Again, ZERO Democrats. But this means that in both the House and Senate I cannot support nor respect a large majority of the Republicans. The Democrats are a total lost cause.

Some want me to name the Republicans I can support. I can readily do that, at least in the Senate since they are so few in number. They are Cruz, Paul, Inhofe, Rubio, Vitter, and Lee. This does not mean I agree with them on everything. But at least they have some principles. Most of the others are as worthless as the Democrats.

Are you beginning to understand why I am so pessimistic about the future of the country?

The electoral process has failed us. We can no longer trust the voters to do the right thing, make sane decisions, or even be fully informed on the issues. Both Parties have failed us. And as for the White House? How can any sane American feel good about the country when two times in a row the voters went for a grandiose, dictatorial egomaniac?

And the Vice President is a village idiot who I’m surprised can remember his own name.

For a while when it became clear that Obama was not going to get most of his gun control proposals approved, I had begun to feel a bit better about the country. But now it has become all too apparent that the season of hope was to be shortlived. I see no way out of this mess short of Jefferson’s final solution. The tree of liberty from time to time must be refreshed with the blood of patriots and of tyrants, said Jefferson.

Jefferson knew something that no one else knew, or at least they would not admit that they knew — the kind of liberty they envisioned for this country is very fragile and tends to erode with time at the hands of evil men who make their way into positions of power. And thus, in order to keep those liberties from being totally annihilated, Patriots must be willing to do whatever is necessary to preserve or restore them, including going to war with fellow citizens and the tyrants they have placed in elected office.

It is now 15 seconds to that hour when this nation plunges into the most important war since the American Revolution of 1776. This will be a war to restore the Constitution that has been attacked, ignored, ridiculed, maligned, shredded, and violated by the president, the Congress, the Supreme Court, and at least a dozen states.

If the states continue down the path set by New York, Connecticut, Colorado, and Maryland, then they had best get set. They are starting a long, hard-fought, and bloody civil war. If Obama and Democrats in Congress, along with a few faux Republicans, continue their assault on the liberties protected by the Constitution, then their actions are tantamount to a declaration of war on the citizens. And if the Supreme Court continues to make asinine decisions such as affirming Obamacare in spite of no precedent and no rational argument in favor of it, then they, too, are asking for war.

The citizens have been arming themselves to the hilt for four years. And they are accumulating ammunition, just like Nappy at Homeland Security. You got bullets, Nappy? Well, we have them too…billions of rounds.

And let this be a warning to those who sit in the seats of power in what was once this Constitutional Republic — if you intend to open fire on us, then be fully aware that we will respond in kind. We will never start a war. But you will. We have seen people of your ilk in action before — in Nazi Germany, Communist Russia, Communist China, Communist Cuba, and Communist North Korea. We know what your kind will do if you feel your power is being threatened.

Do you want to be like them? Well, if you do, be fully aware that we, the people of America, are not submissive sheep like they were in those countries. We are American Patriots who will fight to the death for liberty. Fair warning.

The Liberty Sphere

No More “Mr. Nice Guy” It’s time for Congressmen to get off the pot

April 5, 2013

GOA has been issuing multiple alerts recently because of the imminent danger that is facing us – as the Senate will soon be taking up gun control legislation.

Much of the focus has been on the Senate. But if anyone thinks that the House – and specifically Speaker John Boehner – is our fail-safe to killing gun control in the Congress, they had better think again.

Speaking on Meet the Press on March 10, Speaker Boehner said that he has “made clear if the Senate acts on gun control legislation, the House will consider it.”

Quite simply, that means that House Speaker John Boehner will allow the House to consider votes on gun control legislation.

Not only that, in an article entitled “House GOP Leaders: We can pass gun control, immigration, without Republican support,” reported that on issues like guns, Speaker Boehner was open to “taking rogue Republicans across the aisle to work with Democrats.” The House leadership quickly backtracked from this position once the Breitbart article was published.

Regardless, this just underscores how we can’t forget about the House, and how we need to keep the pressure on congressmen – especially the Republicans.

Sadly, at a time when the House leadership announces that they support universal gun registry legislation – only to quickly backtrack – we get nothing but excuses, excuses, excuses about why many GOP congressmen have not signed onto the Stockman-Broun letter.

Representatives Steve Stockman (R-TX) and Paul Broun (R-GA) are doing a bang-up job in the House. They are two of the most active leaders working to defeat gun control in Congress.

And to that end, the Stockman-Broun letter uses precedent to call upon Speaker Boehner to reject all gun control legislation unless it has the support of 117 Republicans. This is called the “Hastert Rule.” And, if Boehner follows it, virtually no gun control can come to the floor of the House. Virtually none.

So far, more than 25 pro-gun Representatives have signed onto the Stockman-Broun letter – and they should be thanked. But there should be lots more.

It’s very frustrating, however, when we have asked pro-gun Congressmen to sign onto the Stockman-Broun letter to tell Speaker Boehner NOT to bring up gun control, but we hear all kinds of excuses as to why they can’t.

Here are the types of excuses that GOA is getting as to why congressmen won’t sign onto the letter, and our answers to their lame excuses:

  • EXCUSE #1: One office said it had signed other gun control letters.
    ANSWER: There’s no quota on your support for the Second Amendment.
  • EXCUSE #2: Another office said they were afraid of Boehner’s wrath.
    ANSWER: You may want to consider your constituents’ wrath instead.
  • EXCUSE #3: A third office said that gun control was never coming to the House.
    ANSWER: Are you going to do nothing until the anvil actually falls on your head? Boehner has publicly stated that Senate-passed gun control would be “considered” by the House.
  • EXCUSE #4: A fourth office said the congressman had promised to be bipartisan.
    ANSWER: Obama’s ruthless pursuit of his political goals, at the same time he mouthed words of “bipartisanship” is the reason why he controls the White House and you don’t.
  • EXCUSE #5: A few offices have said they fear this letter is challenging Boehner’s authority.
    ANSWER: The Stockman-Broun letter does nothing of the sort. It simply asks the Speaker to follow a rule that was established by a former Republican Speaker of the House. No sanctions are stated or implied – it is only a request asking the Speaker to use the Hastert Rule to kill gun control.

Click here to see the list of Republican congressmen who SHOULD BE on the Stockman-Broun letter, but are not.

ACTION: If your congressman has NOT cosigned the Stockman-Broun letter, then please contact him or her immediately. You may click here to send them a prewritten email. Demand that your Representative sign the letter invoking the Hastert Rule to kill gun control in the House.


Support the Paul-Cruz-Lee Filibuster!

April 2, 2013

We are going into a battle which will determine the future of gun control for the next decade – and perhaps for the rest of our lifetime.

Here’s the status: On or around April 8, Harry Reid will move to proceed to S. 649. That “base bill” contains the Veterans Gun Ban, which could send you to prison for 15 years if you sell a gun to a veteran, without realizing he has PTSD. The bill will also contain the Schumer version of Universal Gun Registries.

S. 649 does not have the 60 votes necessary to break a filibuster on final passage. However, if Reid can get the motion to proceed adopted – and get on the bill itself – he will play let’s-make-a-deal and use bribes and kickbacks to buy the 60 votes he needs.

In particular, Reid and Schumer will probably try to prune the universal registry bill to buy off the vote of Oklahoma Republican Tom Coburn. They may pretend to prohibit recordkeeping by the FBI, but you can bet their “compromise” will contain a big, juicy loophole.

In addition, they may pare it back to gun shows and internet sales, although the most recent “gun show” bill we have seen would effectively ban gun shows.

The media has been reporting that the NRA leadership is working with West Virginia Senator Joe Manchin to craft these compromises, although NRA vehemently denies it.

As a result of anti-gun rules changes, there are two ways to proceed to a bill in the Senate. One requires 60 votes, which we have. The second requires 50 votes (plus Biden), but requires Reid to give up some of his control of the floor.

The point is this: Our efforts will be tremendously helped if the NRA leadership publicly calls on Senators to oppose the motion to proceed, opposes cloture on the motion to proceed, and scores both votes.

If it does this, the motion to proceed will die. Reid will be unable to move to any gun control legislation. Gun control will die.

We believe that, because of the strength and fervor of our membership, we are very close to winning this battle – but it would be so much easier if we were both singing off the same page.

ACTION: If, you are an NRA member, contact them. Urge them to join with us in supporting the Paul-Cruz-Lee filibuster. That means they should tell Senators to oppose the motion to proceed to any gun control vehicle, and to oppose cloture on the motion to proceed to any gun control vehicle.

CONTACT: You can use the message below to direct your comments to NRA Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre.

Call 1-800-392-8683
or send him a message at



—– Pre-written letter —–

Dear Mr. LaPierre:

We are going into a battle which will determine the future of gun control for the next decade – and perhaps for the rest of our lifetime.

As you know, Harry Reid will soon move to proceed to S. 649. That “base bill” contains the Veterans Gun Ban, which could send you to prison for 15 years if you sell a gun to a veteran, without realizing he has PTSD. The bill will also contain the Schumer version of Universal Gun Registries.

As you also know, S. 649 does not have the 60 votes necessary to break a filibuster on final passage. However, if Reid can get the motion to proceed adopted – and get on the bill itself – he will play let’s-make-a-deal and use bribes and kickbacks to buy the 60 votes he needs.

In particular, Reid and Schumer will probably try to prune the universal registry bill to buy off the vote of Oklahoma Republican Tom Coburn. They may pretend to prohibit recordkeeping by the FBI, but you can bet their “compromise” will contain a big, juicy loophole. In addition, they may pare it back to gun shows and Internet sales, although the most recent “gun show” bill would effectively ban gun shows.

There are reports in the press that you are working with West Virginia Senator Joe Manchin to craft these compromises, although I hope this information is wrong.

As a result of anti-gun rules changes, there are two ways to proceed to a bill in the Senate. One requires 60 votes, which we have. The second requires 50 votes (plus Biden), but requires Reid to give up some of his control of the floor.

The point is this: I hope that you will support the Paul-Cruz-Lee filibuster and tell Senators that the NRA opposes the motion to proceed to S. 649 … opposes cloture on the motion to proceed … and will score both votes.

If you do this, the motion to proceed will die. Reid will be unable to move to any gun control legislation. Gun control will die.

I would therefore ask you to please oppose the motion to proceed to any gun control vehicle, and oppose cloture on the motion to proceed to any gun control vehicle, and to score both votes.

Please let me know if you will do this.


Here is a copy of the letter that I sent;

Please join with the rest of freedom loving organizations and support  the Paul- Cruz- Lee filibuster. No compromises at all, whatsoever. No to any deals of any kind at all. West Virginia Senator Joe Manchin needs to be sent walking for even considering any sort of cave in.
No more lifetime bans for less than felony convictions. You caved on that to Lautenberg, and we still remember. No more disarming veterans for serving their nation for life. We remember that. No more failing to support any gun owner for political expediency as you have done more times than I can remember. Grow a pair and get to work! We expect more, a lot more than submissiveness and compromise. Screw the press and anyone else that decides that they know better than we do when it comes to how we live our lives!

Never compromise your most deeply held values. Have faith, have courage. Sua Sponte!